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Wife visits sister for a month; stops for ice cream on way home; husband's not happy.

Wife visits sister for a month; stops for ice cream on way home; husband's not happy.

'AITA for going to get ice cream instead of going home after my flight landed?'

I hadn’t seen my husband in a month as I was staying with my sister. He promised he would pick me up from the airport and we would spend time together but he sent his brother instead. I was upset even though my brother-in-law told me something came up which is why he was there instead.

I asked him if we could go and get ice cream before we went home. He didn’t seem to want to go but I suggested I take an uber if he had plans so he agreed and we went and got ice cream. The entire time we were there he was on his phone and it felt like he was trying to rush me.

When I finally got home my husband was there and annoyed. He wanted to know why I hadn’t come home immediately and said he had cleared his schedule for the evening so we could spend time together like I had asked.

I told him I assumed he was busy since he didn’t come to the airport but he’s still upset with me and with his brother for taking me to get ice cream. AITA?

Important answers to questions from OP:

WickedAngelLove writes:

INFO: why was getting ice cream at that moment so important? You even admit that the brother didn't want to go but then you seemingly go and sit down to eat it? Was this to spite your husband?

happypenguin78 OP responded:

I didn't want to go home just to sit and wait around for my husband to come home and since I was feeling sorry for myself I though ice cream would make me feel better.

happypenguin78 OP says:

He rescheduled a meeting to when he was supposed to pick me up.

Ursula2071 writes:

Does he do this all the time?

happypenguin78 OP responded:


youknowmypaperheart writes:

How does it take 2 (two) HOURS to eat ice cream?

happypenguin78 OP responded:

For the LAST time... Most of that time was driving there and then driving home. I get some people live in places where it takes 5 minutes to get from point A to point B but unfortunately London traffic doesn't allow that.

ThereIsBearCum writes:

Are you trying to tell us that there is nowhere in London to get ice cream that wouldn't add 2 hours to your trip?

happypenguin78 OP responded:

There probably is but we went to the place we normally go to.

tropicaldiver writes:

Info: I know you told him you assumed he would be busy. Is that what you truly believed? And his brother gave no indication to the contrary? Finally, how long did ice cream take?

happypenguin78 OP responded:

I did think he was busy. Besides trying to hurry me up he didn't outright say my husband was waiting for me. Going for ice cream meant I got home 2 hours later than I otherwise would've.

WickedAngelLove writes:

INFO: why was getting ice cream at that moment so important? You even admit that the brother didn't want to go but then you seemingly go and sit down to eat it? Was this to spite your husband?

happypenguin78 OP responded:

I didn't want to go home just to sit and wait around for my husband to come home and since I was feeling sorry for myself I though ice cream would make me feel better.

CarefreeTraveller writes:

so you weren't able to go home where i assume you live and entertain yourself for a while without your husband being there? are you unable to spend a bit of time by yourself?

happypenguin78 OP responded:

I didn’t go home because I didn’t want to go home. It’s pretty simple.

Here's what people had to say:

Fouchington writes:

Y T A - Okay the 2 hours for getting ice cream is insane, with this info added - OP YTA for sure. No reason for a 2 hour inconvenience to the BiL at all. Seems crazy you didn't include that you screwed around for 2 hours in the original post. What are you hiding?

Dgcmscw writes:

It's not just about the ice cream, she took 2 hours to get the ice cream. Not 30 to 45 minutes to drive across town, run in the store for an ice cream cone real quick, then back home to her husband. I really want to know what the hell took 2 hours.

Then she has the nerve to complain that her brother-in-law was rushing her. Like yeah zummy, he's rushing you bc this was supposed to be a quick trip and she stretched it another TWO HOURS. What if the brother-in-law had plans? Op is tripping and most definitely TA.

BaselineAdulting writes:

Power sulking is what takes 2 hours.

Easy-Concentrate2636 writes:

Yup, passive aggressive behavior. Wasting BIL’s time.

Op, YTA.

copper2copper writes:

Frankly if my husband sent his brother to pick me up from the airport with no warning after being gone a month I'd be pissed and get petty too. Maybe that's toxic but the least he could have done was let her know someone else would be coming.

Sources: Reddit
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