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Woman's male friend sends her 'inappropriate text'; husband responds. CONCLUDED

Woman's male friend sends her 'inappropriate text'; husband responds. CONCLUDED


"Guy sends my wife an inappropriate text."

One of my wife's single male friends sent her a clip from an early 2000s TV show where a cop shows up to a house because of a noise complaint. Turns out the couple was [making love loudly] and their young daughter called the cops because "mommy" was screaming.

It's about a two minute clip filled in with the dad joking with the cop as the cop reads the report like, "yeah, she said that" and "keep it down", "I can't for another few minutes".... a bunch of stuff like that. Then the dad goes on to talk to the little daughter and his conversation with her is riddled with little jokes that answer her questions but can be taken two ways.

My wife innocently forwarded it to me and I asked who sent it, she texted me the guy's name so I messaged him this: "Hey man, funny clip but inappropriate to send to my wife. Keep the [deleted] suggestive stuff to yourself." AITAH"

Edits from OP:

Man, this thing took off!! I want to clear up a few misunderstandings...I talked to my wife before I messaged the guy. Also, he does borderline stuff often where I haven't "reacted." My wife has told me she has had to check him a couple of times.

I don't ever think she'd do anything with the guy but I can't say the same for him. That's what this is about. It's more between me letting him know, "I see you!" This ain't the first, second, or third time...

For those asking, it was not a group text. He DM'ed her. And the name of the show was "My wife and kids."

She would never do anything with the guy. She's faithful and kind of innocent in the matter. She's not offended by his messages either, but for me this guy is pushing my boundaries as a husband and as a man. Just guy code stuff. We talked about it a few years back but it's been kind of fluff but ramping back up.

Here's what people had to say to OP:

ldsupport writes:

YTA - its a joke, not a d^%k, dont take it so hard.

jiperlon OP responded:

That's cool, but this ain't the first, second, or third time...

Realistic_Head4279 writes:

NTA to YTA depending upon how you look at it. Your wife was obviously okay with this clip since she shared it with you. You should have talked to her about how you felt, not have jumped in like you did. She's an adult and can make her own decisions on these matters.

That said, I know my husband would not have appreciated that banter either as he too would consider it inappropriate, but I also know that boundaries differ from one woman to another. Bottom line: treat your wife like an adult, not a child who needs protecting.

Ruthless_Haruka writes:

YTA - do you have a "PG" stamped on your wife's forehead? She can watch what she wants. I highly doubt the guy sent it to her because it would make her want him. He sent it to her because he probably thought it was funny.

FieryFuchsiaFox writes:

As a female, who from you described would also find that clip pretty damn funny, I'd expect my friends to send it to me so I could laugh to. I'd not perceive it as a s^%$al gesture, and I'd be pissed to be left out of sharing things for laughs.

Conclusion from OP:

heavenstarcraft asked:

did he respond?

jiperlon OP responded:

Yeah, he apologized

bgthigfist writes:

There you go. You set a boundary. He knows that your wife isn't keeping secrets from you. Hopefully that's the end of it

Sources: Reddit
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