Despite Gen Zers 'bullying' Millennials on TikTok for their middle parts, skinny jeans and overall 'live, laugh, love, guzzle wine' mentality, Millennials are Gen Zers have a bond. So, when a Reddit user asked, 'Millennials, what is something you grew up with that Gen Z will never be able to enjoy or do?' people born between 1981 and 1996 were ready to get nostalgic about things Gen Zers don't have.
Mall culture - Fuginshet
Playing outside unchecked for hours as a kid. “Be home for dinner” about the only rule I had. - Jawsinstl
Play outside without any other options. Never this background desire to get on a device and consume media, just mental freedom to enjoy what is available. - MajorDonkey
Pogs - [deleted]
Drinking over a gallon of milk a day because everyone was convinced that if you didn't, your bones would turn to dust - Xogoth
A sense of hope for the future. As an elder millennial, things really seemed attainable back then. Satisfying jobs, a house, safe streets, ability to enjoy life outside of work.
Now we know that the system is working against us and that it’s not likely to change without some major disruptions that will most likely make things worse before they get better. If they even get better… - bonesawtheater
Having a care-free summer afternoon just running around the neighborhood and only getting home when it gets dark and you're within earshot of your parents yelling your name. - criket2016
Being able to say or do incredibly stupid things without worrying that someone will catch it on video. - Exciting_Aardvark_45
Kid-oriented game shows. Legends of the Hidden Temple, Double Dare, Nick Arcade, Global Guts, Figure It Out, etc. ‘90s Nickelodeon was something special. - cwills815
Rent a movie from Blockbuster/Hollywood video! I love the convenience of streaming dont get me wrong, but there was something really special about walking around the store and picking out the right movie, buying some snacks and really making an evening around watching a movie! - DaddyMacrame
The Wild West days of the internet. The Forums. The places you and your niche interests could flourish and no one would call you weird or bizarre.
Social Media sucks these days. We were never meant to be all under one roof. - OpeusPopeus
The absolute joy of hearing a song that's been stuck in your head for a week come on the radio and finally find out the artist/title. - Red-pop
The rush of internet chat (AIM, ICQ, Yahoo Chat) and the nascent newness of the internet as a whole (make a website at Geocities!, Shop online! Napster!) - tigerbreak
Pre 9/11 airport security. Airline pilot's letting us kids into the cockpit and giving us sweets. - waffenwolf
It was ok to be unreachable - Buckshart
Not checking social media when you’re out and about because we didn’t have smart phones. So, you had to be present. Customizing your MySpace background and adding music to your page.
Like, 90% of my time on myspace was just messing with my page. I rarely went on other peoples pages or messaged people. If I wanted to talk to my friends, it was faster to call lol. - Top-Tea1852
The mall on a Friday night with your friends, $20, and a trip to blockbuster afterwards. - PsychologicalAd3057
Not worrying about leaving someone on read. - Watcher145
Grow out of wrong thinking. I no longer hold a lot of opinions I had as a young person just by virtue of growing up or having more experience. My opinions were never recorded in some immortal format that will haunt me to the day I die.
Feels like these days if you don't stay on the right side of history your entire life, opportunities can be denied to you. Being wrong and changing your mind is a virtue, not a weakness - Nobodyville
Throwing a party when parents are away. With ring cameras, they’d figure that out in an instant. - courtFTW
Do something stupid as a kid and not worry about it being immortalized on the internet. - RSwordsman