So, when a Reddit user asked the judgmental jury of internet strangers what they think will end with the Millennial generation, people were eager to debate the things are are about to be permanently canceled.
Retirement. Homeownership. Hope. - CrimeCoder
Getting along with people who have different political views as you have. - FalcoHatNieGeballert
Hopefully Disney adults - williambrown3989
2 week notices - SpottedAnnoyance
Artists making albums instead of singles and EPs - Automatic_Office_358
Hopefully idealizing grind culture. - BurritoReproductions
College for absolutely everybody I hope. It's become nearly pointless and insanely expensive to have a bachelor's degree in most things. - K0rbenKen0bi
Declaring your Harry Potter house to others in normal conversation - edurlester
Knowing what the save icon actually is... - Fancy-Trainer-4820
The knowledge of life before instant connection and internet-fast globalization. - AtheneSchmidt
3.5 inch floppy discs - Traylor_Swift
Watching “whatever was on”. Everything is always on now, you don’t stumble into an interesting (or awful) show because it’s the only thing mildly interesting on tv. - ChefJeff7777777
Dubbing cassettes and burning your own mix on CD - pfc_Frank
Remembering someone’s phone number - Misttertee_27
Listening to the radio all day waiting for your favorite song - poopstinkss
Maybe this is wishful thinking buuut…40 hour work weeks. Not taking PTO. Tolerating toxic work environments. - meelsonwheelz
Memory of life without internet - RagingDinoZ