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20 employees with wealthy bosses share what it's like to work for the ultra rich.

20 employees with wealthy bosses share what it's like to work for the ultra rich.

Working for the 1% can take a remarkable amount of restraint and patience as listening to daily complaints that you'd kill to have as 'problems' is a harrowing journey...

So, when a Reddit user asked, 'People who work for the super wealthy, what stuff have you seen?' employees everywhere were ready to share their horror stories, surreal experiences, or hilarious encounters with people who 'have too many bathrooms to clean.'


Had a Client who purchased a newly built penthouse apartment and wanted a jacuzzi on the balcony. It would’ve meant a structural column was needed in the middle of the balcony below which the contractor who built the apartment block wouldn’t go for as it would impact selling that apartment.

Client buys the apartment below, approves the column, jacuzzi is installed, then privately sells the apartment below. Voila problem solved. - kl_dudey


Re-did a ladies shower one time during the middle of a nasty divorce. The shower was 6'x10' with the entire ceiling covered in shower heads. 'Since he was off with half the office I figured I'd get the other half all in here.'

Lady was a baller- $500 tip for everyone who worked on that bathroom because it was her ex's money. - watson_exe


I had a client gamble away $220,000 in one night. - TruthYeller54


My friend is a mechanic. A wealthy, famous and all round unlikable entrepreneur came into his work one day and took a liking to his co-worker. He asked my friends co-worker to come and work for him maintaining his car collection. It was really good pay and he got to work on some cool cars so he thought why not.

His days were spent working on old, rare sports cars on his sprawling property but every now and again he'd get sent to Europe or the United States to check out cars said entrepreneur was interested buying. He'd get sent to auctions all the time and ring up said entrepreneur while it was happening so he could bid on the car on his behalf. - insane__knight


$300 dollar baby cashmere sweater that will fit for 6 months and probably get thrown up on - Weary-Marionberry429


What struck me the most is how extremely picky they are, and how angry they get at anything that isn't exactly how they want it. Because I'm noticing myself drift towards that, even though I'm nowhere near wealthy. It makes me question what I feel entitled to.

Everything else, I think of it as alien behavior that I could never understand. This is the only one where I see a bit of myself. - setsurenka


I am a dentist and used to own a dental office in an extremely wealthy area. I feel like really rich people come in 2 flavors, very humble and generous or just 100% a-hole. Most are the A-hole. Not much in the middle.

True wealthy people care a lot about time, not money. If there was any hiccup in a procedure or something wasn’t correct they would FLIP out.

99% of the issues they would flip out about I could fix but that meant they had to make another dentist appointment which “wasted” their time. I HATED working on rich people. Best day of my life is when I sold that dental office - davermz450


“Never work for millionaires. They’re just trying to prove something. Work for billionaires. They know what they want and will just pay what it costs to get it right.” - a caretaker getting paid six American figures for keeping up a multimillion dollar house that gets used two weeks a year. - TheNoisyNomad


I did pest control for the ceo of a pretty big candy company. Dude had cases and cases of gummy bears in his basement. Like enough to fill a small Uhaul. - Goldeneel77


I moved the guy that created ebay. He had Aretha Franklin's grand piano (played it) and Elvis Presley's coat (didn't wear it) - Interesting-Step-654


Their kids (all young 20s) never shut the door when using the bathroom. Plenty times while cleaning the house I'd walk past the bathroom and see one of their daughters on the can, they'd often wave or say hi. F'in odd - Monty423


I briefly cleaned houses one summer and these houses were INSANE. Some had elevators. Some had STALLS in their master bedroom. One had a literal cave manufactured in the bathroom, with showerheads all thoroughout it—you could walk from one end and come out the other side of the bathroom (split by a massive hot tub).

What struck me as odd, in almost every house, was the sense of disuse. They had grand pianos covered in dust. Expensive lamps and throw pillows with the tags still on them. Sprawling playrooms with every toy any child could want, totally devoid of playing children.

The weirdest house I cleaned though, wasn’t huge and it wasn’t gorgeous. It was pretty normal on the outside. But inside, the entire house was FILLED with piles of clothes. Everywhere. I pulled aside my fellow cleaner and asked, with all sincerity, how to clean this house. She told me to “go around the piles as best you can.”

They had a mountain of clothes in the living room, like something out of a cartoon. Every couch had stacks of brand new clothes with tags on them. They were the only folded clothes anywhere.

In the bedroom it was the same. Smaller piles in every corner, couldn’t fully open or close doors around them. The kids’ bathroom didn’t even have a shower curtain.

Best guess after “cleaning” that house as best we could, is that they don’t wash clothes. I think they just buy more, and discard the dirty clothes into the piles. I think about that house a lot, and wonder if they ever got their sh%$t together. I’d honestly be too embarrassed by that to even hire a maid! - HarleyQueen90


Did appliance repair. One lady had a 10x12 walk in wine cooler. Floor to ceiling stocked with wine. In her living room.

Another person's house was made of imported stone and had a library the size of two car garage. My favorite was an old lady who just had nice stuff. She took care of what she had.

Everytime I went she gave me 40 bucks for ' a nice beer with your lady' I would always refuse but she insisted and was basically the typical granny everyone would want. - kograkthestrong


Worked in recruitment finding crew for super yachts many years ago. Put forward a candidate for a chief engineer on a very well known yacht owned by a very well known individual.

Was the perfect fit of knowledge and experience and the guy was super friendly and nice as well. They turned him down because 'he wears glasses and the owner doesn't want anyone with disabilities working on board.' - Duranis


Wife is PA for wealthy and incredibly powerful man. Self made, humble. Uncomfortable in small social gatherings, but a lion in a business setting. Understated houses.

What I found most interesting is the guy would think nothing of dropping 5 figures on jewelry or other luxury items, but come the end of the day Friday that guy is in the kitchen at the office taking home all the leftover bagels from the morning. - PapaChoff


I worked for an owner of a large, construction company. Back when we had the recession in around 2008, I saw him layoff workers and stop pay rises, at the same time of ordering in a brand new Rolls Royce for himself. His money, but didn't sit right with me. - Maiden_England


It’s crazy how many try to get out of paying for things. Makes you wonder if that’s how they got wealthy in the first place. But as for material things I’ve seen, I worked on a house that had a huge swimming pool with a 1/3 mile long lazy river. He also had a movie theatre that sat about 20 and a $60,000 aquarium in his basement/private bar. - Zarkophagus


Once when I told my boss that we have completed the work well before time, he removed his expensive watch and gave it to me and said 'good job.' - SuvenPan


I did personal shopping for a pop star for about seven months before they moved out of my area. The main thing I witnessed was inconsistency. Day 1, go find me this exact rug and find some picture frames that would compliment this room. Great, I put in a little extra foot work and found that rug discounted. Well, they didn't want it discounted when they can afford full price.

Day 2, while they were out the other day, they saw this fantastic sculpture at a home goods store. Can I find it? Hey, turns out I can! No problem. Wait, but if I found that rug from yesterday discounted, why couldn't I put in the time to find this discounted?

NDA runs out in 2030, but otherwise I have nothing but praise. They were a joy to work with. It was just very much never knowing what would strike their fancy and when, then not knowing if I should go the extra mile to save money or find a newer model, or just get paid for a full day's work for walking about a mile to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. - breakbats_nothearts


The owner of my company had a customer pay off a giant debt by signing over a yacht to him. When he went to the marina to get the storage info transferred to his name and saw how much it cost to store the yacht there, he bought the marina. - UncleGrako

Sources: Reddit
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