On the surface, this story tells of the bonds built through serving your country; but this story is, at its core, a reminder for us all that man truly can be inherently good. And her update proves how powerful this unexpected meeting truly was for everyone involved.
I joined the Navy at the age 20 , and my first post after boot camp, and school was a base in the middle of no where base in Japan. I arrived at the International Airport in Narita, first time out of the US, and way more nervous than I would ever admit.
There was no one to meet me, but I remembered to look for the USO. I found the USO and called the base, and was told to get on the bus to Camp Zama Army Base and some one would meet me there.
By the time I got to Zama, I had been traveling for over 20 hours. All I wanted was a shower and sleep, but there was no one there to meet me.
Fun fact - the bus from the airport dropped passengers at the enlisted club.
So now I am at the club, with two seabags and a backpack, on a Saturday night. I found a phone and called the base again and was told someone would be there in an hour or so. The only place to sit where I could see the front door was in the main lobby.
I desperately need food, a shower, and sleep but am stuck being on display in the main lobby. I can hear the music, smell food, but there is no way I can navigate this with all of my belongings. 3 guys (all were POC) walk in and look at me and chuckle as they walk by me. I just want to disappear.
A few minutes later they come back, and offer to watch my stuff if I want to go grab food or something to drink. I looked at them for a minute, my brain was arguing with my stomach. You can't leave your stuff with 3 guys you have never seen before.
I thanked them but turned them down. I could still hear the warnings my parents had given me about being a small in stature woman and dealing with a group of men I don't know echoing in my head.
One of the three gave me a sad smile and they walked away. About 15 minutes later they were back with a waitress, she was carrying several plates of burgers, fries and drinks. The one who smiled at me said that he got me some food and had the waitress bring it to let me know it was ok.
The three of them sat on the floor next to me and introduced themselves. Brian was the one who smiled at me and his friends were John and Tony. They asked me where I was going, and I told them and they smiled and said that they were Marines working as part of a security force.
I told them that I was a cryptographer and Japan was my first duty station. We talked about lots of things but I honestly don't remember what anymore. I just remember it as a friendly happy conversation.
Several times their friends came out of the dance club and called for them to get in there, and each time they declined. They sat with me for at least 90 mins until the duty van showed up to get me. They insisted on carrying my things to the van and refused to allow me to pay for the food they got me.
I told the driver I wanted to use the bathroom and would be right back. I turned back towards the club and they were gone.
I never even got to thank them, I was sad that I did not really know anything about them and would probably never see them again. It was after midnight by the time I checked in and got assigned a barracks room.
The next morning, I went to get breakfast and while I was standing in line. Someone tapped me on the shoulder, I turned around and there they were (Brian, John and Tony) grinning from ear to ear.
I was so happy to see them, it felt like they were old friends. We sat together after we got our food, and Brian told me, we were going to offer to drive you over here last night but we did not think you would accept. I honestly said that I probably wouldn't have.
Several years later, I asked Brian why they offered to help some scrawny white girl they had never seen before. Brian looked at me and said 'The color of skin doesn't matter we all bleed the same...Red, White, and Blue'.
Brian, Tony and John taught me a very valuable lesson that day that I have tried to live by.
I am proud to say that I remained friends with all three. Tony was KIA in Afghanistan, and John in a car accident 2013. I am writing this today while sitting in an airport bar in Atlanta. This and a thousand other stories run on a loop in my brain.
I am trying to figure out what I am going to say to Brian's wife and kids as I stand with them to say goodbye to one of the best friend I have ever had.
Thank you all for your kind words, I made my flight although I had to be screened to determine if I was too drunk to fly. Apparently being emotional after one drink is a no-no on Delta. They also did not appreciate my telling them that I had not planned to fly the plane but could give it a go if they really needed me to.
I thought you would all appreciate what happened next. My flight lands and I head for the rental car desk. I am on the escalator and I hear people ahead of me laughing and I look over the heads of the people in front of me when I see it.
Tre (Brian's older brother) is standing to the right at the bottom of the stairs holding a sign (like you see limo drivers holding) that reads...'Token White Girl'
I burst into hysterical laughter, and Tre sees me and starts laughing. We both go from laughter to tears. I get off the escalator and give him a hug. We are both nearly hysterical with tears streaming down our faces, and we can barely stay upright.
Which led to the police coming over to ask if I am ok...Which just set us off laughing again. It took about 10 minutes for Tre and I to calm down enough to explain to the cops we are fine, and head for his car.
We sat in the car for another 20 minutes laughing, knowing that Brian would have been ROFL watching that.
What a happy story! Thank you for sharing, OP. It's been a dismal day today, but never so dismal as to prevent raising a glass to an absent comrade. Perrier water for me - Semper Fidelis, Marine! The same to all the unexpected Absent Comrades who stepped up when we were down - save me a seat. Won't be long now.
'Won't be long now' Don't you joke about that! Don't you even THINK it! You're gonna stay here a long time, publish an amazing book about your experiences that becomes a best seller and ends up as one of THE books to read about Vietnam, on the same level as The Things They Carried and We Were Soldiers Once. Don't you dare get fatalitistic on us. We won't permit it.
Damned Ninjas and their onions! Thanks for sharing, condolences for Brian, and Semper Fi to him. Folks like those 3 musketeers are why I love the military community. And please, please put those other stories on paper (figuratively). And most importantly, Thanks for sharing.
You capture the essence of serving. We’re all brothers and sisters is arms.
Consider a drink raised in their honor. Brian, John, Tony
I was not planning on crying tonight. God bless, and may you feel your friend toasting you right back.