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'AITA for making a coffee pie for a family hangout with kids around?' + RECIPE

'AITA for making a coffee pie for a family hangout with kids around?' + RECIPE


"AITA for making a coffee pie for a family hangout?"

I F(21) love to bake. In my family, i'm quite known for making somewhat unique dishes. Recently, I had the idea to make a coffee pie, it'd be similar to chocolate custard pie but just with a few shots of espresso.

I decided to make it for the Family BBQ last week ( after testing it a few times to make sure it wad delicious) . When I brought it it seemed quite popular and well liked. However, after the BBQ, my brother (35) and his wife(24) started screaming at me.

RECIPE: ( i sadly do not have an exact recipe because i experimented but if y'all want to try i'd suggest but replace a small bit of the milk with espresso or add more of the powder in that step <3 ( i haven't personally tried this but I hope it'll work just as well !)

Apparently their kids(5 and 3) had some of my pie and are now super hyper. I would've usually apologized but they were shouting so I told them its not my fault their kid's are out of control. They started calling me a b&^%h and telling me I needed to label the pie because when they gave it they thought it was chocolate.

They also said I shouldn't have even made a pie with caffeine because there are kids around. Then I told them that they drank beer with their kids around so they are hypocrites and then went home. Since then they have left angry messages and posts on instagram. So AITA for making a coffee pie?

Let's see what internet users had to say.

chuckinhoutex writes:

NTA- Coffee pie sounds delicious. Naw, these are folks who never hold themselves or their children accountable for anything. And the reality is the caffeine does not have the same universal effects on everyone.

Those with kids who have clinically diagnosed ADD or formerly ADHD (frankly, I disagree with the combining- I think they are distinct) that have benefited from medication will note that absent a dose of medicine or as a way to take a much smaller dose of medicine-substitute a caffeinated drink.

Because on those kids, it is very common that the opposite effect occurs. They actually calm down. I have one like this. Point being- they can't blame the pie, they don't know, they're throwing s**t at the wall looking to blame somebody. I'm certain it's a pattern.

sandwichotter writes:

ESH. It would have been the courteous and conscientious thing to do to label it or make sure anyone with kids was aware it had caffeine in it. Hell, there are even some adults who don't consume caffeine. I think it was an oversight on your part, especially if you noticed the kids eating it.

However, I do think your brother and SIL overreacted if they were really screaming at you. And then you overreacted back in a defensive way. Honestly, no one here comes out looking great.

I have a 6 year old and I would have been pretty irked if my kid consumed a bunch of caffeine because my family member didn't think to mention there was coffee in what looks like a chocolate dessert. I also wouldn't have screamed at you about it, though.

rabidrogerrally writes:

I am going to only say NTA just because it wasn't your responsibility. However, I have 2 things to say. Drinking beer around kids is completely different than having dessert out. Typically I wouldn't assume a pie is alcoholic and would be illegal and irresponsible to serve to minors especially ones so young. So they are monitoring the alcohol so kids don't touch it.

Desserts unless labeled I would think would be fine for anyone to eat. Secondly, you should label things that contain ingredients that people may be allergic or sensitive to. It can make kids hyper but also people that have heart issues or are pregnant have to limit their caffeine intake and should know if something may contain it.

So, is OP TA, or is her family overreacting? What is the protocol for caffeine at a family gathering?

Sources: Reddit
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