When this woman is irritated with her elderly neighbor, she asks Reddit:
AITA for wanting to contact the city, cops, any city official, etc. about a neighbor who constantly takes her leftover food and dumps it in a field (abandoned apartment building has a large field behind it) across the alley from her backyard, which is private property?She has been asked many times to stop which she said she 'will not' because she is ''feeding the animals'.
Animals should not eat certain human food. 2. This can attract various unsavory vermin, which it already has and they could have rabies which could be spread to the feral cats running around. 3. My dog may have ingested the dumped food after it sat in the sun to spoil, and became violently ill.
4. IT'S ILLEGAL! (Sidenote: my dog is a large, sweet, big dumb love bug who is very well know on our street, sorry, but he doesn't like to poop with a leash on, but we keep watch. I didn't notice if he ate something, dogs are stupid sometimes and I'm only human.)
After his bout of what I can only assume was food poisoning, I saw her a few days later dumping more food. Again, food that can easily spoil in 80 degree weather, meatballs and eggs, etc. I walked over and politely asked her to stop and while I tried to explain why I was asking her to stop, she kept yelling at me. That's when I stopped being polite to her, I could have tried to keep my cool, but I didn't. I left and came back with a bag to scoop up her mess.
The whole time she just smirked at me like it was so funny to watch someone clean up your illegal dumping. Yes, it really is a city code violation. I contacted the landlord to see if she could ask her, but that too didnt work. I feel that contacting the city is the only option left.
Now I will be making various calls to the health dept, environmental protection dept, and the mayor to report it. The next time I see her IRL doing it, I will be calling the police. Old lady or not, hopefully paying a fine will keep her from continuing. AITA?
independentidea8 writes:
YTA, you sound like you want to waste a lot if people's time over leftovers. How is this an environmental issue? Do you own the private property, which you put a question mark after, so you don't know if it's private or who owns it? The police? This is hilarious.
craftydog7 writes:
NTA call and report her, that is disgusting, unsanitary behavior that attracts rats to the area. She is feeding the WRONG animals. There is a reason that everyone doesn't just throw garbage in the street, it is a human health hazard (dogs too of course!).
cleanwhitesocks writes:
ESH She needs to stop, but your dog should be on a leash and you should be watching what it's eating. There's plenty of natural things in the world that your dog shouldn't be eating either.