When this woman is freaked out by her boyfriend, she asks Reddit:
My boyfriend (23M) and I (18F) have been together for about 3 months now and this is the first time I’ve spent the night over at his flat while I was on my period. Since yesterday, I’ve been changing my pads in his bathroom and each time, I wrapped the used pad in a plastic wrapper and put it in the trashcan. The trashcan has a lid and there’s a plastic garbage bag in there, so the pad was touching nothing but the trash that was already inside.
I genuinely didn’t think it was a big deal, until my boyfriend took out the trash this morning and noticed the plastic wrappers in the bag. He knew they were the packaging for my pads because he had seen them before and quite outraged, he asked whether my used pads were also in that bag.
I told him yes and he dropped the bag, calling me disgusting and telling me to take out the trash myself. I did, but then asked him where else I should’ve put my pads and he told me I could’ve just kept them in my purse until I got home. I’m staying at his place for three nights because we both have some time off, and I wasn’t going to keep my used pads in my bag for days on end (imagine the smell…).
He stated that he didn’t want my blood all over his trash and that I should find another way to dispose my pads asap. I don’t think my attempt of an explanation why period blood isn’t as disgusting as the thinks it is got through to him and he’s quite set on his opinion.
I think he was a bit childish because I don’t understand how an adult straight man can be so disgusted by period blood, but when I texted my brother (19M) about it, he sided with my boyfriend. As I’ve been outnumbered, I wanted to see whether other people also believe what I did was an AH move. AITA?
yeatpeaa writes:
NTA and please dump him. I mean that sincerely. Get you a man who helps you change the bed sheets when you leak, not a man who is outraged over a used pad in the trash.
naturalgeneral9 writes:
Not weird just plain mysogonist! NTA OP and you deserve better! My most recent leak happenned on a short trip with my SO, and when I told him I have a big stain on my only pants that I'm wearing he said ok, so you're going pants shopping and I'm going pad shopping and that's what we did and I felt such comfort in a stressful situation.
I cannot imagine a scenario when he would blame me for it and leaving me to deal with everything on my own. Trash is trash, like what did he think woud happen with it? Cause I really don't get it.
artisticnebula writes:
NTA find a new bf. You didn't have them exposed for people to see. Him being squeamish about the thought of your blood touching his trash is ridiculous. He sounds like a child. I would have looked at him and said,'I guess you don't want to earn your Red Wings?' Seriously, leave him he sounds like a petulant child.