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16 men share what they're teaching their sons that their own dads never taught them.

16 men share what they're teaching their sons that their own dads never taught them.


Fatherhood has evolved from what it used to be. In an era where many dad's felt uncomfortable showing emotion, men today are better at showing their children affection and love. Men realize their fathers' mistakes and try to pass on healthy habits to their children.

On a popular Reddit thread in the Ask Men Subreddit, men share what they're teaching their sons that their fathers never taught them.

They write:

1. OnlyBuy1 says:

He does not need to do anything to earn my love.

2. everyone_getsa_beej says:

My son just turned five. I invite him to help me or at least watch me do everything from lawn work, changing lightbulbs, grocery shopping, watch me get the flu shot, and checking in at the airport. I’m the youngest of five, and my parents did not have time or patience to let their kids be such a part of the family business. He is usually a game for most things, so it’s been fun.

I’m trying hard to manage my emotions and show love and empathy. I don’t result to yelling or violence when angry or scared. My parents rarely shared a loving embrace with each other. They divorced when I was 15. Communicating and expressing emotion is not easy for my dad or me, and I think it’s important for individual stability and relationships with others.

3. jacccccccob says:

Not everyone will like you, and that's fine.

4. Rich-Uncle-Skeleton- says:

Don't be afraid of what people think of you. As long as you aren't a complete a**hole, of course.

5. kerplunkerfish says:

I will give my kids the talk. (My parents never did).

6. Tryn4SimpleLife says:

My son is autistic, and I'm on the spectrum. So A LOT. For example, my son came to my bed around 5 am. I didn't complain. He got scared I was gone, just like I did when I was his age. My dad just got angry. I'm holding my son's hand as he sleeps.

7. No_Contribution_421 says:

There are other successful career paths that aren't just a doctor or lawyer.

8. UnoriginallyGeneric says:

Online safety. The Internet didn't exist when I was a kid. That's something I taught my father.

9. mad_at_many says:

It’s okay to hug, cry, kiss, cook, and help do the house chores.

10. mustbeshitinme says:

Everything I know and understand about money. With the caveat that my understanding is incomplete.

11. Rhuskman says:

That it's okay to make mistakes.

12. Snufalufagus145 says:

Emotions are not weakness.

13. NeededMonster says:

I don't have children yet but if I had I would make sure they understand that they don't owe me anything for taking care of them until they are autonomous adults. I choose to have children with the responsibilities that go with it. They don't choose to be born. They don't owe me anything for that.

14. Bryan_Mills2020 says:

That I am proud of them.

15. patsully98 says:

That you should apologize when you're wrong, even if you're an adult and the person you wronged is your kid.

16. DelrayDad561 says:

That you have to WORK to keep a relationship together and strong. My parents divorced when I was one, and have hated each other my entire life. My kid is seeing what a happy household looks like with two parents that love and respect each other, and he's going to know that having a lasting relationship like this takes work and compromise.

Sources: Reddit
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