When this woman is annoyed with her ex, she asks Reddit:
We have an agreement to return clothes bought by the respective house, back to that house.
Since handoffs are twice a week and consist of one parent dropping her off at school and the other picking her up, our daughter’s backpack is often used for the few things she takes back and forth.
He’s asking I pack her clothes in her backpack dirty so that his wife won’t be put-off by the scent. I figure they will wash it again regardless so why should they care?
And I refuse to send our daughter to school with dirty clothes.
He’s now offering to send me some of their pre approved detergent so as to not offend his wife’s sense of smell. AITA?
jenerous7 writes:
YTA I am allergic to certain smells. Usually perfume/colognes but also the plug in room scents. It gives me a killer headache and nausea. It runs in my family. Let step-mom supply the detergent. Its a win all around.
singlelieedi42 writes
NTA. Why’s stepmom dealing with the child’s clothes? Shouldn’t her father being looking after her? Also they could supply their own clothes so mum doesn’t have to send her with clothes?
Not saying that someone can’t be allergic but why’s this a mum problem and not an ex problem?