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Mom asks if she's wrong to criticize fellow mom for slowing down carpool.

Mom asks if she's wrong to criticize fellow mom for slowing down carpool.

When this mom is mad at another mom for braiding her daughter's hair and slowing down the carpool, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for criticizing a friend for braiding her daughter's hair?'

This is not a recent problem but my friend brought up it again and asked me to apologize and I dont think I was wrong but I want unbiased opinions. If I am wrong I will apologize to my friend if not I will ask her to drop the subject.

The problem: We were 4 friends carpooling to work. All female, all married, all have young children. We took turns on whose cars we were going. The friend in question (I will call Sally) was the first stop and she was usually late. She likes dressing up, doing her hair and make up in a detailed way etc.

And we were late to work more than once due to her being late. But we never warned her about it because the moment she gets into the car she talks about she is late because her 4 year old was crying for mummy, she is late because her 2 year old didnt let her go etc.

We tried to be understanding about the difficulties she has as a mother but we all have small kids and she also has her husband to help.

One day I waited in front of her house for fifteen minutes after the pick up time and when she came(dressed to nines) she told me she was late because her daughter asked her to braid her hair just as she was leaving.

I told her in a bad mood 'you know i was waiting here for fifteen minutes' I didnt yell but she could tell i was angry so she left the car and said she wont go with me. I told her to get in, it is childish and there is no point since i had already waited.

But she left and went to work separately and went before us because I had to pick other girls while she went directly. So AITA internet strangers?

Let's see what Reddit had to say.

salmonburger writes:

NTA. If she's routinely making other people late to work then that's a her problem. She can either figure out how to get ready on time, or find her own separate way to work. Messing with other people's employment is a big no-no.

parsimonioussalad writes:

YTA. 'But we never warned her about it' is the problem. You all needed to talk to her - tell her the lateness is unacceptable. Plus, you're being judgmental. It's just 15 minutes....

notmycircusanymore writes:

NTA. She is allegedly an adult and knows what time she is to be ready to go. Her actions affect more than just her, not many employers will accept “I was late to work because Sally had to (insert action child requested)” as a valid excuse for tardiness.

Jury's out! Is OP TA? What do YOU think?

Sources: Reddit
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