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Mom asks if she was wrong to scold teacher for not accommodating her bipolar child.

Mom asks if she was wrong to scold teacher for not accommodating her bipolar child.


Having a son or daughter with special needs or mental illness can be extremely tough, especially when you feel like your kid's teacher isn't supportive. When this mom loses it on her bipolar daughter's teacher for not accommodating her daughter's needs, she takes to the popular Reddit Forum to ask:

'AITA for yelling at a teacher after she refused to let my daughter make up extremely important assignments?'

accomplishedgap743 writes:

My (48F) daughter (16F) has bi-polar disorder and has an IEP for it, that oncluides some accommodations such as extra time on assignments and extended deadlines.

About a month ago, my daughter was held involuntarily in a osychiatric hispital due to a severe mental breakdown from a manic episode and had to be held for 3 weeks. After that we were told to let her stay home for a few days and get her adjusted to home life before throwing in school.

Well it turns out in chemistry she missed a major presentation and a unit exam that both make up a huge portion of her grade and could cause her to have to go to summer school if she cannot make them up.

I tried to get a meeting with her to discuss how she will make up all her work including these assignments, and she said that she can’t allow it because according to her, my daughter’s absence exceeds the alloted days the county allows and her limit on an extended deadline has been extended by as long as she is allowed to.

I asked if my daughter can do another assignment that can count towards that credit. She said no. I tried to explain that my daughter had to be hospitalized due to bi-polar and the teacher wouldn’t listen.

She has the audacity to say “It’s not my fault your daughter’s a nutjob, so I can’t do anything about it”. I lost it and called her a stupid b*tch who doesn’t deserve to be a teacher and saying I hope she gets fired. AITA?

Well, this is a doozy. Let's find out what the Reddit mob had to say.

rainyday2022 writes:

YTA. Agreed, I think OP just wants to be the victim. Who knows what else may be made up excuses. Kind of sad that OP would use that term when referring to their own child.

Underbridgedtollman disagrees:

NTA. Teacher earned asshole status with that comment alone. You went off without verifying if what they said was true regarding policy, which you should already know if she has an IEP or 504.

sweetcauliflower89 writes:

YTA. Regardless of if they were excused absences your daughter has literally missed enough class to not be able to pass to the next level of chemistry.

Unless you had private tutors teaching her chemistry while she was out she is not sufficient enough and knowledge as determined by the board of education in that area to be able to successfully be promoted to the next level of chemistry learning.

Therefore they are giving her the summer to catch up on her knowledge so she's at an adequate learning level to be promoted to the next level for chemistry. Why in the heck would you force your daughter into a situation where she's going to get even more stressed out because she is unable to keep up with the entirety of the class?

Well, it seems like Reddit is split on this issue. Is OP the AH? What do YOU think?

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