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'AITA for gifting my rich boyfriend a handmade gift on our anniversary?'

'AITA for gifting my rich boyfriend a handmade gift on our anniversary?'


"AITA for gifting my rich boyfriend a handmade gift on our anniversary?"

Me and my boyfriend were in a healthy relationship. If we got into an argument we'd talk things out and we set boundaries with each other and stuff like that. My boyfriend grew up comfortably, his parents had a well paying job and so does he.

It was a few days before our anniversary and usually I'd just buy him gifts from the store, but I decided on crocheting him a teddy bear to show him how much I really love him and appreciated him. So I spent days making the teddy bear before our anniversary, trying to make it as perfect as possible. I even bought him flowers.

It was the day of our anniversary, as usual we had dinner and surprised each other with gifts. My boyfriend went first, he got me a watch and a necklace. And then it was my turn, I showed him the teddy bear and I saw his face morph into excitement to disappointment and shock. I asked him 'what's wrong? You don't like it?'

I was nervous at the time but what I didn't expect from my usual calm boyfriend is to look at the gift in disgust written all over his face. He asked me 'this is a joke right?' and I told him 'No, it isn't. I made you this!' I said, hoping him to be happy but instead he got angry and screamed at me.

He yelled angry at me as he threw away the teddy bear on the ground 'the gift I gave you was worth more than this f*&^ng bear!' He was furious. At the time I was nervous and confused to why he was angry, he didn't react like this before, Was it because the gifts I usually gave him were expensive?

What made things worse when he stood up and started stomping on the teddy bear I made him, the look of horror on my face when he did it. This wasn't the reaction I was expecting. After what felt like hours, I see him finally stopping the abuse he did to the teddy bear and instead looked at me with disgust and hatred. He said to me 'I'm leaving.'

Before leaving my condo and slamming the door hard. He didn't say anything else, just that. I cried all night that day as I hugged the teddy bear I made, I barely cared if it was dirty. The next couple days he did didn't even showed his face to me, not even texted me or called me.

I was absolutely devastated. After a week he texted me 'Lets take a break from our relationship. I can't handle this' before blocking my number. This event happened a month ago. To this day he still hasnt contacted me or anything. So, am I really in the wrong for gifting him that teddy bear? AITA?

Let's see what readers had to say.

monstercookie8 writes:

NTA and move on from this insane prick. He is so obsessed with money that its the only thing he cares about. I don't know him but I have known many of his type.Also, getting that angry and stomping on something someone made for you is just a psycho move. This screams future issues to me. Call it a learning experience and move on to better, less materialistic, relationships.

absynthemental writes:

NTA. He’s behaving like a spoiled brat. Handmade gifts are expensive and thoughtful. If he was only interested in expensive stuff from you, it’s a good thing you found out now - what happens if your financial situation changes? Will he abandon you or get violent? Who knows, with him behaving like this over a bear? Block him and move on.

agreeablepumpkin writes:

NTA, he was extremely unappreciative and the fact that his first reaction was to shout at you and get violent towards the teddy bear without even a thank you, girl you dodged a bullet on that one. Be thankful he's out of your life, there are so many men out there who would LOVE to receive a gift like that.

Also, your gift was expensive, you spent hours of your time and effort on it and if he can't even acknowledge that he's also clearly spoiled and you can do so much better!!

Wow! Looks like OP needs a new BF asap! Any advice for her?

Sources: Reddit
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