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Woman forces son to get paternity test for 'suspicious' 10yo child. AITA? UPDATED

Woman forces son to get paternity test for 'suspicious' 10yo child. AITA? UPDATED


"AITA for telling my son he needs to get a paternity test?"

Months ago my son found out that he has an 10 year old child. I was very suspicious because my son in very rich and where was this kid until now? And why didn't her mom say anything before? And she looks NOTHING like my son.

So I asked my son to get a paternity test just to be sure. All my kids except for one believed I'm the bad guy just because I was looking out for my son. My son who loves kids didn't want to do it and was happy to have a child.

After weeks trying to convince him to get a test he finally agreed and it turned out that he is in fact her dad.

I was very happy for him and I thought all is well since there was no harm in taking the test and he finally knows for sure that he is the father but ever since that test he won't talk to me, claiming I "traumatized" my granddaughter by forcing her to go through that.

He thinks I'm an asshole. Only one of my kids is on my side and thinks I did the right thing. AITA?

Let's see what readers thought of this dilemma.

monkeypawwishes writes:

NTA. Someone showed up with a 10 year old, it would be insanity to not get a paternity test.

But then, OP select-put-5531 offers this controversial update:

My son thinks the way I asked was traumatizing because I said it in front of his child and made her feel unwanted. He thinks I should have talked to him privately and while I agree that I could have done better I think it's ridiculous that he is holding a grudge over this.

Also my son is rich and the ex is broke and I'm supposed to believe the ex has his child right when she needs money? Come on now.

After this reveal nomadichomebody writes:

YTA. Read the comments, OP asked in front of the child. No tact or empathy for the child. The son is angry the way OP went about it, and said the request should have be broached privately. The son has been very explicit as to why OP is the asshole. Convenient you left that part out of your post.

panicbread agrees:

YTA on the basis that you asked for the test in front of the child. You really couldn't have like... waited until she was out of the room? Why did you have to say it right then?

That child did nothing to you, it is in fact his child, and you seemingly went out of your way to hurt her and make her feel unwelcome for no reason. Yes, you're TA - and the only reason most people are voting you N T A is because they don't have that information in the main post.

So, is OP definitely TA? What do YOU think?

Sources: Reddit
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