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Woman refuses to let 9 yo son interact with grandpa's 'toxic' new girlfriend. AITA?

Woman refuses to let 9 yo son interact with grandpa's 'toxic' new girlfriend. AITA?


When this woman feels like she doesn't know how to parent, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for not letting my kid stay somewhere i am not allowed to darken the door?'

Okay so i’m a 30 year old female with a 9 year old son. I have had an extremely close relationship with my dad my entire life, he has always been my best friend. I have my own home and job and life, but we talk multiple times a day and he’s very involved with my son, that’s just how it’s always been.

So he started dating someone a year ago, and i won’t lie i was not a fan from the beginning. I recognize some of that may be some subconscious jealousy, bc he’s been single most of my life.

But seriously, she’s the worst. Very controlling, moving in after just a month, taking over his money, finding fault in ALL of his relationships other than theirs.

She instigates arguments every chance she gets, and somehow i am ALWAYS the bad guy, just because we are around. She slowly made it to where my son and i see less and less of my dad, then she texted me one weekend and told me that i need to stop coming to his house on sunday nights

(which has been our family dinner night for as long as i can remember) bc she has to work monday mornings, mind you i grew up in this house, and i was definitely snippy with my response. Mostly just telling her it wasn’t her place to tell me that. Now my dad won’t “allow” me in his home until i apologize to her.

This has been about a month ago, and he wants my son to come spend the night and he misses him, but i can’t come inside. He has spent the night regularly his entire life, but now i’m not even allowed to bring him in and get him settled? i gotta just drop him in the driveway.

Am i petty and ridiculous for not wanting my kid somewhere where i am not welcome? I’m getting mixed responses from friends and other family. AITA?

Let's see what readers had to say.

sirix8 writes:

NTA. You leave your kid somewhere, you gotta be able to go pick him up, end of story. That means no restrictions to going inside and getting him, what if there was an emergency or he contacted you to get picked up while they wanted him to stay.

But the bigger issue is this woman who obviously has your dad wrapped around her finger. She just sounds like she's isolating him from everyone else by controlling or managing the relationships and driving them away, then financially abusing him and using him.

Guaranteed if your son did stay over, it wouldn't be the same as he's used to now anyway.

collosus96 writes:

NTA. Tell your father that since his one-year girlfriend is apparently more important to him, he can enjoy his life without you or his grandson until he dumps cruella the vile and HE apologizes to YOU for choosing a woman he has barely been dating for a month over his own family.

Do not give in and apologize for doing nothing wrong, because his girlfriend will feel more powerful and self-entitled to keep doing things like this to not only you, but also your son.

You are not the AH for wanting to keep your son away from a place you're not allowed to enter. Especially not with a vile woman in that house who is trying to destroy your familial relationship.

chichi98675 writes:

Opie, YWBTAH if you gave in and let that stranger try to strain your relationship with your son. Today it is your father, tomorrow she is making you out to be the bad guy in your son's eyes. NTA, keep the distance and talk to your son.

Looks like OP is NTA! Any advice for her?

Sources: Reddit
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