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Woman yelled at for bringing dog into grocery store for 'no more than 10 mins.' AITA?

Woman yelled at for bringing dog into grocery store for 'no more than 10 mins.' AITA?


To bring a dog inside, or not to bring a dog inside. That is the great Shakespearean question of our time. It's a question that riles people up on either side, with dog lovers not seeing the downside of having a well-behaved dog present. While team no-dog protests the presence of animals in indoor public spaces.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, a woman asked if she was wrong for taking her dog to the grocery store.

She wrote:

AITA for taking my dog into the grocery store for no more than 10 minutes?

I (F33) am a proud owner of Peanut, my Yorkshire Terrier. I took Peanut to the dog park today and Petsmart. In the same complex is the grocery store I go to. It was a warmer day and didn't want to leave Peanut in the car.

So I leashed him up and took him in with me. I had planned on a quick trip, no more than ten minutes. I went to the produce department to grab some stuff.

A guy, probably in his 30s, not an employee, rudely told me that pets aren't allowed in grocery stores and asked why I had my dog with me. Before I could respond he told me it was gross as f**k to have my dog in the produce section.

I explained it was hot out and I planned to be quick in the store. I apologized and said the most convenient thing for me was to come here with Peanut. He told me to f**k off and not to be a lazy pet owner. Then he stormed off. It was a bit of a scene.

Feeling uncomfortable, I just left. I thought it'd be no big deal, Peanut didn't misbehave or have an accident, And I didn't think I was being an a**hole.

Grocery shoppers and dog lovers alike chimed in with their thoughts.

Halcyoncreature wrote:

YTA, as someone who works in a grocery store, don't bring your f%$#ing dog to a grocery store.

Longjumping-Cow9321 wrote:

It’s literally the health code that PET animals are not allowed in the grocery stores, with an obvious exception for service animals. YTA.

1962Michael wrote:

YTA. Where did people get the idea that their pets should be allowed to go everywhere with them?

You didn't have to leave him in the car--you could have taken him home and done your grocery shopping separate from your trip to the dog park.

Relevant-Economy-927 wrote:

YTA. You said it right in your post: it was more convenient for you. You’re only thinking about what’s easiest for you and now how your actions effect other people. Dogs absolutely do not belong in grocery stores.

anxious_pasteis wrote:

YTA, animals* don't belong in stores, restaurants, or other indoor spaces that are not pet-oriented. You could have easily taken Peanut to the car, put on the AC, and gone about your errand.

I'm really sick of people who think their fur baby is some special exception that can be brought everywhere with no consideration of the environment they are in or the other people around them.

*This obviously is not meant to include service dogs that are properly trained to help their humans with disabilities and health issues.

Clearly, OP is TA here, there's no question about it this go-around.

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