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Club manager inflicts worldwide lifetime ban in revenge on women who stole her tips.

Club manager inflicts worldwide lifetime ban in revenge on women who stole her tips.


Working at a club is exhausting work. Rude patrons, drunk people, and cleaning up human liquids are some of the unsavory tasks that come with the job. The silver lining is that the tips at the end of the night usually make everything worth it.

On a popular Reddit thread in the Petty Revenge Subreddit, one bar manager gets three women banned from her club and clubs worldwide for stealing her tip jar.

She writes:

So this happened about two years ago at this point, but it still brings me joy. I was an assistant manager at a club, and we were constantly understaffed to the point I was working 4-6 different jobs a night.

One day I was working at the front door greeting guests, checking IDs, collecting the entrance fee, ect. Now, on the whole, guests weren’t terrible, but sometimes you can tell when someone will most likely be in trouble when they come inside.

I’m not the type of girl to feel bad for turning you away if you act disrespectfully. But this one night, I was at the door until it was time to close (The last call is at 1:30; doors close at 1:45). As an assistant manager, one of my duties was to close out registers and ensure the servers were bar where even.

This means I must leave to work in other areas after the front doors are closed. We try and block off the front entrance and have all the guests exit through a side door close to the front.

Now here is where the sh%t starts. I had a tip jar at the front door that I left alone until I was done with my closing duties (not the best idea, I’m aware, but I was always under an extreme amount of stress and didn’t want to take the extra time to unlock the box and take the money out and move it to the office). So I go about all the closing duties and finally collect my tips and jacket, only to find the tip jar gone.

I was PISSED! It wasn’t an insane amount of money but at least $80. So I went through the cameras and found the three women who tried to take money out of the top, realized they couldn’t, and just took the whole unit.

I’m not sure if you are all familiar with it, but bars and clubs use a patron scan system to scan IDs to verify age and ensure it is not fake. But you can also make notes or place bans on disruptive or violent patrons. Internal bans are for your location only, and public bans are worldwide with any other club/bar that uses this same system.

So once I knew who the three women were, I went digging through the guests from that day (well over 200) to find them, and when I did, I placed a lifetime ban on them at our location (the only club in 50 miles) as well as a lifetime public van with the note 'theft: stole a tip jar from the front door.'

I know it’s not much, but I do know every other bar in the city and clubs/ bars within 200 miles in our state use patron scan, let alone any other locations worldwide. I really hope I ruined these woman’s night somewhere. They were also rude at the door and refused to pay the $20 entrance fee on a Saturday.

There's only one thing the internet wants after reading this story.

FeelingEvidence4449 says:

I'd love to see their reaction when they get rejected next time.

Angel_Incognito says:

This is fabulous! Especially since bars are few and far between. I also take pleasure in knowing they could attend a club in Italy and get rejected. Best $80 ever 'spent!'

Nightshaddow1 says:

We use patron scan here in Australia too. I would love for them to come for a holiday and immediately get rejected bahahaha.

OP, I wish you could get a video of them every time they try and get into a bar or club and get rejected.

Sources: Reddit
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