Will try and keep it short. I suffer from migraines, and type 1 diabetes - we were advised not to try and get pregnant due to my lack of control of my blood sugars. It happened and it sucks (although I’ve been monitoring it so much better and been doing much better).
1. I'm constantly asking my husband to turn the sleeves of his tops the right way in. He wears 2-3 tops a day (if he goes gym it’s 3, and 2 if he’s going out which 9/10 he does). He doesn’t do it, so I’m ironing 10 tops each week at minimum, and it just gets so annoying to constantly be turning in the sleeves.
2. I ask him once a week to unload the dishwasher and get rid of the rubbish. I do it the rest of the time…the rubbish wasn’t emptied, and when I opened a cupboard a few plates fell out and one fell on me which hurts more than it sounds like!
3. I had a migraine, I asked him to keep the lights off and keep it quiet and he insisted on a) playing loud music and b) turning the lights on. I just lost it, I’m so uncomfortable and it’s like I feel like I ask the minimum?
So I told him I wouldn’t be having two children, and asked him to leave. He wouldn’t so I texted my brothers and they came and made him leave. He’s texting me. I've since calmed down. He's saying I’m the AH because I overreacted, went nuclear and can’t do that when I have the baby - he’s insisting I apologise. AITA?
We didn't get pregnant on purpose.
In terms of chores, once a week he does those chores listed - sometimes he does his own laundry and picks up food shopping if I ask. It’s a work in progress…unfortunately, a slow one.
He can’t iron, I tried to teach him and it didn’t work - his tops need ironing otherwise he doesn’t look presentable and he gets aggy and when he gets aggy so do I. He does have headphones so I don’t know why he insists on playing music out loud - I’ve asked.
My brothers didn't do anything physical, they just wouldn’t leave until he left and my husband doesn’t like them so it didn’t take too much of an awkward encounter to make him leave.
AshlynM2 writes:
NTA. STOP IRONING HIS SHIRTS GIRL!!!!!! You are pregnant with a serious, life threatening, medical condition. He isn’t even doing the bare minimum to be a decent partner. Do you have family close by that you could stay with for a bit to get a mental break? (If he insists on coming home and being so rude). I’m sorry you’re going through this.
MuggleWitch writes:
Dishwasher, shirts. Damn. These are like barely any tasks. I cannot comprehend how demanding bare minimum becomes too much. Pregnant or otherwise. Dude. Partners kiss the ground their Pregnant partner walks on because that's the amount of care you deserve.
OP you deserve so much more. Please leave what sounds like a terrible relationship.
GarlicAndSapphire writes:
Why are you doing his laundry/ironing? Seriously. Why? Just start with that single question. When you come up with an answer, you can move on to the more difficult questions in this Nightmare of a relationship.
bananasplz writes:
The thought of ironing gym shirts is wild to me. I don’t iron anything.
Risheil writes:
NTA This is classic weaponized incompetence. If he keeps doing things wrong you will stop asking him. The loud music when you have a migraine is just being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole. The baby won't ever be this much of an asshole unless they grow up watching how badly your husband treats you and they mimic it.
twdnewh writes:
He is inconsiderate and TA for that, but having your brothers remove him from his own home is unforgivable. So, unfortunately, I have to say you're the bigger TA.