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16 people share the worst ways to propose marriage to someone.

16 people share the worst ways to propose marriage to someone.


Proposing can be incredibly stressful but a wonderful moment in a person's life. The planning, coordination, and engagement ring are all for one of the most important questions a person may ask. Unfortunately, not all proposals are created equal; some are a huge mistake.

On a popular Reddit thread in the Ask Reddit Subreddit, people share the worst ways to propose.

They write:

1. N-y-s-s-a says:

At someone else's wedding/reception.

2.Thatimensfaa says:

Arrange a fancy date night with your girlfriend, including dinner at a posh restaurant. In the middle of the meal, fake a brain aneurysm. Bite into a concealed blood pack, collapse, and fall onto the floor, the whole bit. A 'doctor' or a 'nurse' planted at an adjacent table rolls you onto your back, checks you, and says you're not breathing and have no pulse.

He or she rips open your shirt to apply a defibrillator... revealing 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' written on your chest in red body paint. Pull out the ring, and say, 'I can't live without you, baby.'

3. Kai6180 says:

Chucking the ring at them and saying, 'Here, wear this.'

4. PorkrindsMcSnacky says:

My mom told me that my cousin’s girlfriend got tired of waiting for him to propose (apparently, he said he would but hadn’t gotten around to doing it) and that she straight-up bought a wedding dress and told him they were getting married. He said, 'Ok.' I believe they’ve been married for about 20 years now.

5. the_navillus says:

Mine might be the worst. Was a broke 19-year-old, thought that if I can't spend money on a good proposal I'd go with the element of surprise.

Wake her up at 3 AM and give a speech about how we were going to be together forever and propose. Her response 'ARE YOU F%*KING KIDDING ME...' we've been married 14 years this October.

6. No-Bet-9930 says:

Have a tension rod with a small banner wrapped around it tucked into your pants. Go out to dinner at an upscale formal establishment. Call for a toast, stand up, unzip your pants, and when the rod expands, have the banner unfurl to reveal the message. Proceed to urinate on the floor.

7. prajnadhyana says:

Write the proposal on a positive pregnancy test.

8. MikElectronica says:

My best friend swears he proposed by pretending to find a ring while going down on his GF and asking her whose ring it was. He has never wavered from this story.

9. HonestCup20 says:

'Oh yeah,' he rolls over in bed before the lights go out. 'Will you marry me?' he said before falling asleep. I think this is it.

10. knaveben says:

Flash mob or at a sporting event where they’re on the jumbotron.

11. jray1126 says:

When she is on the toilet.

12. ApprehensiveBanana07 says:

For me, the worst would be any grand gesture around people. I’d rather instead you ask during a cozy night on the couch. My ex and I just talked and knew we would do it. We picked up the ring together and walked out of the store.

He bent down on his knee at a bench; no one was paying attention. I’ll never forget how precious that was to me. At a large music festival last year, I saw a guy propose to his girl quietly in the back of a crowd. No one seemed to notice that either, but I saw it and started crying at how beautiful it was. She was snuggling into him the whole rest of the set.

13. biddily says:

This is the story of how my parents got engaged. Dad: Hey, you should move in with me. Mom: No. Not until we're married. Dad: Okay. Fine. Let's get married.

Mom: Wat. Are you seriously asking me like this? Dad: Yes. Why not. Marry me and then you can move in with me. And then they got married. It did not go well.

14. creepyjake says:

At her university graduation as a neurosurgeon, he (a janitor) grabbed her doctorate from her hands, got down on one knee, and put her on the spot in front of her colleagues, professors, and family. Oh yeah, he made the ring out of a plumbing pipe. CRINGE.

15. AnFnDumbKAREN says:

The girl you’ve been off/on with through high school gets pregnant in her first semester of college. She found out earlier, but she told you as soon as she could come back into town / see you in person. Note that neither of you has been exclusively seeing each other, and she’s at the most well-known party school within a couple-hour drive.

After a month or so of finding out, plus intense pressure from her and her mom, you come home to see your soon-to-be MIL blocking your way into your residence. She INSISTS that you propose to her daughter asap. In fact, do it soon as you walk inside — because her daughter is in there, literally sick about all this.

You reluctantly agree to the demands, against your better judgment, even though you have no proposal plans or a ring. As you go inside with your soon-to-be MIL hot on your trail, you head back to your bedroom to see your betrothed sitting cross-legged in the middle of your bed, sobbing and with a bucket.

You sigh and think, 'Let’s get this over with.' So you tell her, 'Your mom told me I have to marry you.. so I guess I’m proposing..?' Your baby mama loses it at this point and throws herself at you—the contents of the bucket spill across your bed and carpeted floor.

Your soon-to-be MIL smugly smirks at you and haughtily nods in satisfaction. She then tells her daughter to run herself a nice warm bath — YOU, oh sorry soul, you need to get the mess cleaned up. And you’d better have it done before her daughter gets out. She’ll watch over you to ensure you complete the required task.

The next day, your STBMIL shows up just outside your job as you're off work — and demands you go to the jewelry store with her to get her daughter a suitable engagement ring.

You’re married less than a month after all, even though you’ve had doubts and some of your family urges you to take your time and make good decisions. But your baby mama is already beginning to look pregnant, and the longer you wait or suggest waiting, the worse she and her mother became. So this needed to get done asap.

Mid-July rolls around, and your now-wife finally gives birth to the baby two weeks later than her [supposed] due date. Baby is of average measurements and otherwise healthy, though.

But then sometime down the line of the next 15-20 years, you find out the kid isn’t yours. The entire trajectory of your life could have gone in an entirely different direction, and you truly don’t know what to think.

But somehow, everything keeps getting redirected to the proposal you gave to your wife. It was apparently the sh%#tiest proposal humanly possible. So really, this is all your fault. Semi-inspired by real life. Thanks, B~ and Ken!

16. Correct_Damage_8839 says:

As someone who used to live in Idaho, I would often hear of young people proposing to each other in Arby's parking lots and convenience stores. The reason is because of the high Mormon population there.

They are not allowed to have sex before marriage, so it was not uncommon for a 16-year-old guy to propose to his girlfriend as soon as possible, no matter where they are. All because they want to get laid but not go against their beliefs.

Sources: reddit
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