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16 things that are normal but sound incredibly offensive.

16 things that are normal but sound incredibly offensive.

Most people in 2023 will do their best to live an anti-racist life. Slip-ups will happen, and it's important to acknowledge them as humans and continue to learn. While the world still works to become better for all, there are moments that are innocuous despite sounding very problematic.

On a popular Reddit thread in the Ask Reddit Subreddit, people share the normal things they've seen that sound racist.

They write:

1. gdwoodard13 says:

In my hometown, a fellow named Dr. White opened a chiropractor's office that works specifically on patients’ necks and related issues. They called themselves White Specific Chiropractic for a few years until they realized how problematic that sounds. Now they are just Specific Chiropractic.

2. InThreeWordsTheySaid says:

Never make a Negroni without using a jigger.

3. Booksalot_0919 says:

'I like groomed blacks' when talking about skiing. Skiing lingo could easily sound racist or drug-focused.

4. DetroitEXP says:

I was at a bar with a sign that said 'No colors,' and I had never seen anything like this. I had to ask the owner what the sign meant, and apparently, it referred to motorcycle group colors. I come from an area with many biker groups, so it makes sense. After I saw it, that is a common sign I have been seeing to indicate a friendlier atmosphere for non-bikers.

5. Sighconut23 says:

'Chiggers' are an insect that burrows under your skin in southern US states that typically hide in Spanish moss.

6. dcbluestar says:

'These washing machines are for whites only.'

7. AntiShansky says:

My in-laws told us that 'the blacks across the road' had looked after the house while they were away. Off mine and my husband's aghast looks, they quickly clarified: 'The Blacks! Mr. and Mrs. Black!'

8. simburger says:

If you've ever done any color grading, you've probably used the term 'crushing the blacks', or 'crushing blacks,' which is just adjusting contrast in a way that pushes dark values towards black.

9. savannah_crue81 says:

Arnold Schwarzenegger.

10. LetTheKarensGoFree says:

During a text conversation 'kkk' in brazil= laughing or 'lol'.

11.billythepub says:

In Ireland, 'Packi' is short for Patrick. I can imagine the reaction if Irish people were walking down the street in the UK or elsewhere and one shouted, 'Oi Packi mate.'

12. Jethris says:

Playing chess, I would rather be white than black. White gets to move first, which is a huge advantage.

13. ReadAllAboutIt92 says:

The phrase: 'I’ve never seen a Maine Coon in real life.'

14. Chimsley99 says:

New Zealand’s rugby team goes by The Allblacks.

15. HighlandsBen says:

The village of Whiteness in Scotland or the Black Isle, for that matter.

16.No_Consequence_7806 says:

'Can I have a half pound of white American cheese please?'

Sources: Reddit
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