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16 things men like about being single.

16 things men like about being single.


Being single this time of year is hard. Valentine's Day is traditionally for couples, but more and more people celebrate being single. Galentine's Day is for the ladies to celebrate themselves, and men should also embrace being single (in a non-toxic weird way).

On a popular Reddit thread in the AskMen Subreddit, men share what they enjoy about being single.

1. FoIds says:

Having more space to yourself. No arguments.

2. oddball667 says:

I don't have to justify anything to anyone.

3. DiscountVoodoo says:

I have a few days a month when I’ll feel really lonely and wonder if I’ll ever truly love someone. The rest of the time I do whatever the hell i want and enjoy the peace and quiet.

4. -JuiceBoxHero- says:

It sounds cliche, but I've only been in long-term relationships and tended to put their needs before mine. They were great women, and I always wanted what was best for them, even if it was at my own expense (career choices, hobbies, loss of friends, never dealing with my traumas/issues, etc.). I never took the time to work on myself; as a result, I ended up being a great provider but just a sh*t boyfriend. I get to be selfish and work on myself.

At some point, I didn't know who I was anymore. Now, I backpack when I need to, hit the range with some close friends, my fitness is much better, in a career that I enjoy and take pride in, and I am simply a happier person. That's not to say I don't want to be in a relationship. I honestly can't wait to be married. But this time, I'm more 'ready' because I figured out who I am and what makes me happy.

5. Affectionate-Past810 says:

1- I get 100% me time all day every day.

2- I get to cry alone on valentine's day as I eat pizza on the toilet and tell myself 'maybe next year.'

6. PuzzledAdult says:

You get to find out what you like to do. You can do whatever you want and not have to change your plans to deal with and please someone. Save a sh*t ton of money. You can work and save for your future a lot easier, so if/when you are in a relationship, you aren’t broke. You don’t have anything anchoring you down if you want to move or change jobs.

7. XLauncher says:

I can run the thermostat in the 60s in the winter, and no one will complain.

8. 230flathead says:

You spend less money.

9. LGAMER3412 says:

Watch TV without interruptions. No need to share the covers with someone when sleeping. I could buy food and not have to worry about she getting mad for me not getting anything for her.

10. ALTITUDE10K says:

I can eat when I’m hungry, no waiting around or succumbing to some weird meal schedule.

11. nipplesaurus says:

If I want a cookie, I have a cookie.

12. cjswcf says:

Day 1,944,715 without a woman: I can teleport small objects and smell colors.

13. BleedingTeal says:

I can go to sleep and wake up whenever I want. I can go eat wherever I want whenever I want. I don’t have to worry about future plans being made that I didn’t make myself.

14. Astoria_Column says:

Toilet paper lasts way longer.

15. TiedHands says:

While I'm generally not a fan of living alone, the two advantages that come to mind are that I don't have to wear many clothes all the time and that I can do as a, please. If I want to sit and play video games all day on my day off, I can, and no one can say or do anything.

16. beigereige says:

I watched the Super Bowl alone, but apparently, there was a commercial for Tubi last night that simulated someone changing the channel from the SB to watch some movie. Per my Instagram and Twitter feeds, this caused heart attacks and arguments from men who assumed it was their wife/girlfriend who changed the channel. I was able to avoid that.

Sources: Reddit
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