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Bride doesn't want wheelchair-bound sister to attend her wedding. AITA?

Bride doesn't want wheelchair-bound sister to attend her wedding. AITA?


When this bride to be is annoyed with her disabled sister, she asks Reddit:

"AITA for not wanting my sister at my wedding since she is in a wheelchair?"

My sister 26 has been on and off out of the hospital. I am going to call my sister Anna. Anna got cancer when she was 15 and was able to beat it. Ever since she has been having growths and anytime one appears we are worried about the cancer coming back.

My issue is that she always makes these announcements that she needs to go to the doctors again at the worst times. At the beginning I thought it was just bad timing but it has happened so many time when I hit a milestone.

My graduations, my birthdays, my engagement party. Anytime she makes an announcement she needs to go back to the hospital my whole family with flock to her.

I have had my birthday dinner turn into my relatives flocking to her for the whole night.

I had a dinner party to announce my wedding date for my relatives. It was going so great and it was a fun time until Anna told mom she needs to go back to the hospital. Soon everyone forgot about the reason for the dinner party and it was quiet.

My aunt even stepped in to do a pray for Anna. Another event was taken over. I went low contact with her after that.

She was invited to the wedding and it is in two weeks. I learned today she is in a on and off in a wheelchair from my mom/Anna. She will need to take it just in case for the wedding. I asked if the rest of the family was informed and she told me no. I told both of them they need to inform them. They told me they don’t want to worry them and won’t do that.

I had enough and told them you need to tell before my wedding. Again a no. I then informed them Anna is not invited. This started a huge argument about how I’m a dick and my point is that I am sick of her stealing the spotlight. That what will happen if she rolls in with a wheelchair. AITA?

Let's see what readers thought.

thebademo writes:

YTA and an ableist as well. Poor you, having to tolerate a wheelchair using guest. Who happens to be your own sister. I hope your entire family boycotts your wedding.

anakinskywalk writes:

NTA. If you were banning Anna for using the wheelchair it would be Y T A. However her refusing to inform any other relatives of this indicates she is doing it to steal your thunder, especially since she's doing this at every family gathering.

"She will need to take it just in case for the wedding. I asked if the rest of the family was informed and she told me no. I told both of them they need to inform them. They told me they don’t want to worry them and won’t do that.I had enough and told them you need to tell before my wedding."

If she needed it/wasn't using it for drama, it would make far more sense to inform other relatives so they know ahead of time.

lizee writes:

Hope you're prepared for none of your family to attend. YTA.

hissduka writes:

NTA. Its hard having a sick sibling, especially if that sibling gets a taste for the attention they receive. Honestly I understand not inviting her and I would feel much the same way you do if she had a habit of hijacking my big moments.

Looks like the jury's out. What do YOU think?

Sources: Reddit
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