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Woman despises her wife's fibromyalgia, says 'you've ruined our cutting boards.'

Woman despises her wife's fibromyalgia, says 'you've ruined our cutting boards.'


When this woman is annoyed with her wife's weak hands, she asks Reddit:

'AITA about cutting boards?'

My wife(40f) and I(40f) have been together about 3 years. We have several teenagers at home. My wife does more of the cooking and I do more of the kitchen cleaning, but we pinch hit for the each other. My wife has fibromyalgia, so a lot of times she will half-ass chores because she’s in pain or exhausted.

She keeps putting our cutting boards in the sink. We lost a high dollar board this way. I have asked her not to because sitting in standing water will ruin them.

With all the kids and all the dishes, sometimes they end up soaking before I can get to them. I try to snag them and hand wash when I see them, but I don’t know why she can’t just leave them on the counter for me to wash.

She had a controlling and shitty family of origin, so I try not to get snippy with her. It’s bad for her health. But I don’t want to have to keep buying new cutting boards. AITA if I nag her about the cutting boards?

Let's find out what internet users had to say.

owngarlic7 writes:

YTA. Get a cutting board that won't ruin when soaked. She's doing her best with her condition. Have some sense. My wife has fibromyalgia. While every case is different, I would never describe my wife not being able to complete chores as 'half assing'. She's doing her version of 'whole assing'.

As far as the cutting boards, chalk it up to her doing her best. A lot of the fibro prescriptions have the inability to concentrate or being forgetful. She's trying her best. No sense in being pissy about a cutting board. If it's that big of a deal, get plastic ones.

emergency1896 writes:

NTA. A nice cutting board is really expensive and to ruin it is just unnecessary. Better to just leave it on the counter, like, you’re doing more work to ruin it than just leaving it there.

However… YTA 100% for saying she is “half-assing” chores because she’s in pain. That’s inexcusable to crap on someone for suffering at the hands of a disorder like fibromyalgia.

abqcheeks writes:

NTA it’s not unreasonable to ask her not to do that. The only case where it might not work is when the board was exposed to raw meat snd contamination is a concern. Or maybe just resign yourself to having her use plastic boards that won’t be hurt by a soak. You can still have a nice wooden one for your own use.

Is OP TA? Should she go easier on her wife?

Sources: Reddit
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