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Man discusses menstrual stain with GF. Says he's 'worried for her health.' AITA?

Man discusses menstrual stain with GF. Says he's 'worried for her health.' AITA?

When this man is concerned about his GF's hygiene, he asks Reddit:

'WIBTA for discussing menstrual stain removal with my girlfriend?'

Hello. I (30M) was taking out the laundry from the machine and hanging it up on a clothes dryer. As I was hanging up one of my gf’s (29F) underwear I noticed a dark period blood stain on them (roughly an inch or 2 long). I put the underwear to the side and finished hanging everything else up.

My gf then returned home to our apartment and I let her know (thinking she’d have some trusted technique to remove the stain). She looked at it and then hung it up with the rest of the laundry. I said ‘don’t you want to try remove the stain?’

Then I suggested a blood removal method I literally just read online a minute earlier. She responded ‘no it’s ok, it’ll just get bloody again anyway.’ Then we carried on our evening (underwear hanging up in the corner and all).

In my head I’m like -errr ok, if I got a blood stain on my clothes I’d try remove it asap, especially underwear. And if not, I wouldn’t plan on wearing them again…

WIBTA for bringing this up again today? Maybe say it’s odd that she doesn’t want to try remove the stain and that she seems perfectly happy to wear them again. Perhaps I could suggest a method to help?

I know this is a personal choice and blood stains there are perfectly natural, but is it that crazy that I find her thinking a bit unpleasant? Unhygienic?

These aren’t her ‘period panties’ as they are small and light green in colour. As I understand it, period panties would be dark (?) and large in size? Correct me if I’m wrong. Also I believe this is a new stain as I’ve not seen them with a stain this obvious before (I usually do the laundry chores in our home). AITA?

Let's see what readers had to say.

pinebox8 writes:

YTA Period panties are any underwear that got stained at some point. They’re not perfect, but you no longer care about them getting stained. If this is super-important yo you, you can work on the stain. The underwear are clean. Have at it!

jdessy writes:

YWBTA if you brought it up again. She's been dealing with this far, far, far longer than you have known about these methods. Trust me, whatever you think you're going to inform her of, she likely already knows. She has been dealing with this for at least half her life, if not longer.

As others have said, period panties are sometimes just regular underwear that has gotten stained that women tend to use during their periods so they're not accidentally staining other underwear. They're washed, so they are hygienic, just discoloured.

I would just move past it. She knows what she's doing far more than you. You may not be the asshole now for asking once, but I wouldn't ask again. Just move on, the stained underwear is perfectly fine and is not hurting anyone.

shanon writes:

YWBTA 100%. When it's your clothing, you can worry about removing stains and what stains make you uncomfortable.

Looks like OP is TA. Is there any hope for this man?

Sources: Reddit
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