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'AITA for ditching my girlfriend at a 5k because I wanted a better time? I apologized.'

'AITA for ditching my girlfriend at a 5k because I wanted a better time? I apologized.'


"AITA for ditching my girlfriend at a 5k because I wanted a better time?"

My girlfriend [31f] and I [36m] have been together for about two years now. We live together.

About nine months ago I picked up running as a hobby and I have since grown quite fond of it. I currently run an average of 25 miles a week. A few months ago I decided I wanted to try a 5k or 10k, and after some Google searching found a 5k in my city that looked fun. I registered for it, paid the fee, and decided to start training specifically for it.

I mentioned it in passing to my girlfriend that night, and she asked if she could come too. I was psyched about the idea of running a 5k with her and said yes, but warned her that she would probably want to start training because I was going for a sub-27 minute time, which might be tough for a complete beginner.

She said she would like to train with me, which, again, sounded fun. The next morning I woke up at 5am for my run as I usually do, but my girlfriend was not up for it and told me she'd go later.

This continued for a week, and then two weeks, and finally I managed to get her up once for a run. She was miserable the entire time and I basically didn't get any exercise.

Last Friday, the day before the race, I asked if she was really up for it. She insisted she was. She then told me that she would just 'skip-gallop' it, like she used to do with her mile runs in middle school.

I asked her to demonstrate what a skip-gallop was, and she showed me this bizarre side-stepping gallop, as if she had casts on her legs. I told her it seemed like a really inefficient way to run, but she insisted it always worked for her.

Saturday was the day of the race and right out of the gate she utilized her skip-gallop strategy. Two minutes in I realized that she was already completely gassed.

She started asking me to wait so we could walk together. I apologized, told her I loved her, and left her behind to finish the race. I ended up with a time of 26:43, beating my goal. After the race I tried calling her but she wouldn't pick up. When I made my way back to the car I realized she had left me.

I took an Uber home, and right when I walked in the door, I was met with cry-shrieking about how I ditched her. I tried to calm her down and explain that she kind of brought it on herself but she was not interested whatsoever. Yesterday she gave me the silent treatment all day. Do I deserve what I'm getting here?

Here were the top rated comments from readers:


NTA. She chose to invite herself. She chose to not prepare. And she chose to make a fool of herself with her crazy method of 'running'. This is all on your GF. I'm glad you had your phone and/or wallet and were able to get home after she abandoned you.


NTA. Her technique is kind of funny. In sport, occasionally people do develop new techniques and sometimes they are a huge change eg the Fosbury flop. But the GF decided that this was her time to test out an unusual new running technique?! 😆


While that is true, running has gotta be one of the single most 'solved' athletic motions around lol.


For real. Humans evolved to be distance runners and we’ve been the best at it on earth for 200k years. Ancient humans would literally just follow prey till the animal collapsed from exhaustion then kill it with rocks at close range. Unless you have unique physiology that makes you a new step in evolution, you aren’t gonna come up with a better way to run.


NTA. You had a goal, told her well in advance. She shouldn’t have ran with you, if she knew that she wasn’t going to be able keep up.


NTA. She asked to come, refused to train, knew you had a goal in mind and then still made it about herself. Why are you with someone who acts like a child?

So, do you think the OP should have stuck behind with his girlfriend or was she being selfish to ask him to slow down for something he had been consistently training for?

Sources: Reddit
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