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Man's GF leaves him right after watching the Barbie movie. AITA?

Man's GF leaves him right after watching the Barbie movie. AITA?

When this man doesn't understand why his GF left him, he asks Reddit:

"My girlfriend (20F) left me (24M) because of the Barbie movie. Am I wrong?"

My girlfriend and I had gotten together just before summer and everything was phenomenal and the best either of us have had but once we went to the Barbie movie her entire energy changed and was very distant.

My first thought would be I must have reacted wrong to it but I enjoyed the movie and don’t remember giving a negative reaction. But we barely had a physical relationship for 3 weeks after.

During those 3 weeks she canceled our road trip to my home state 2 days prior and basically had no cares or didn’t want to help me feel better about it. Anyways it went back to almost normal for 3 more weeks, like we went on fancy dates and out to do things with her friend and then went to a concert last weekend had an amazing time even got a beautiful picture taken of us on the barrier.

The next day she got home from work and told me she was packing her things and leaving. I was told I didn’t meet her needs because I wouldn’t ask her if she was okay until she finally said what was wrong and the quality of my compliments on her physical appearance weren’t good enough.

Obviously every story has two sides but I really thought she was the one and put my all into it and thinking back on everything it all starts with the god damned Barbie movie. My ex girlfriend started acting weird after we watched the Barbie movie together and broke up with me randomly. AITA?

Let's see what readers thought.

longjumpingman writes:

Lol. You did nothing wrong. Actually, think of the Barbie movie (or whatever triggered her decision) as a blessing. Any woman who can't verbalize there is an issue and expects you to read her mind isn't worth your time or aggravation.

The whole "I should be on an ivory tower" bullshit is nuts. You and your partner are a team. Neither is superior nor inferior to the other.

dumbleforeskin writes:

It sounds like the Barbie movie has little or nothing to do with it. It sounds like you’re never interested in her point of view on things, and that she’s communicating clearly what she needs, and that you’ve been dismissing her.

It sounds like the better this woman got to know you, the more she realized you two weren’t a good fit. It might be something to do with how you’re blaming the Barbie movie on motivating her actions rather than the real life dynamics between you two, but again, I wasn't there and don’t know either of you, so who am I to say?

bestdog145 writes:

NTA - She overreacted. She expected you to assume that something is wrong with her and she expected you to ask her questions. She should have been vocal and told you that something was he matter. You aren't a mind reader. It's good she left, she sounds crazy.

So, is OP TA here? Is his GF "crazy?" What do YOU think?

Sources: Reddit
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