When this man is annoyed with his GF, he asks Reddit:
I(m27) started dating my gf (f25) 1.3 years ago and things are going great between us. We also live very close to each other like(my flat is exactly 560m from her flat). The only thing that some time bothers us is our income disparity.
I make almost 3 times more than her and I also have intraday trading accounts so I also earn money from their too. It some time makes unbalanced in our relationship but I am always very mindful to treat money carefully arround her. I don't spend carelessly in front of her and I pay majority of our dates and all.
In 2021 I bought a MacBook pro and after using it for almost 1.5 yr I don't like working on it anymore and i decided to give it to my younger sister (18f). I know it sounds snobbish but I wanted to build a gaming pc for me and now the pc part are all time low price so i am building a very expensive gaming pc.
After booking everything online I told my gf about this and she started telling me how much I am spending on something when I already have a expensive laptop. I told her everything that you can't game on mackooks and it's work laptop and I need a gaming pc for me but she kept going on and on about how unnecessary it is.
Finally after half and hour i just told her if it's bothering you that much don't pay attention to it and it's my money I can use it however I want. Again she got emotional and left. Now she is giving me cold shoulder and I am feeling very complicated. AITA?
temperatureunit writes:
NTA: It's your money. And you two aren't living together. Also, if your spending habits are really something to worry about, then where's that concern when it came to you paying for the majority of your dates?
It does seem a bit unfair that you can pay for the majority of your dates without problem and yet you buying something for yourself is suddenly something worth scrutinizing.
robineggblue7 writes:
NTA. I earn 3.5-4 times as much as my fiance, we live together (0m apart LOL) and neither of us suggests what the other should do with this money so long as the bills are paid whatever is left is up to us to spend as we wish...it's the primary reason I refuse to share bank accounts anymore.
The one time he yelled at me for spending money was when he came home from work and found a new PS5 in the game room and that was, "WTF, you shouldn't have done that...I mean thank you...but you shouldn't have!"
Whether you pay for dates or not is irrelevant, that is how you are choosing to spend your income so it's fine. It is NONE of her concern since none of her bills are going unpaid because you are building a computer.
My ex and I shared an account and I made 100% more than him since he was regularly unemployed and somehow still felt like he could tell me how to spend or not spend money...but also had no problem spending MY money because his name was on the account so it was his too. "It's all our money." 'fraud not sir, it's my money I allow you to use...
devsfan8n writes:
NTA. When its your money, you are financially stable and have no joint finances with her or anyone, its your call. Its not snobbish to build a gaming pc either. You'd use it more than a MacBook and your sister probably really needed it.
I can see her asking you why, maybe out of concern if she had no idea how much you made. Continuing to badger you for a half an hour? NOPE. That's her insecurity coming through.