There's nothing worse than owing the cable company — except, maybe, getting cheated on? On Reddit's r/pettyrevenge, a story that combines both at their most extreme.
This was a few years ago now, but I find it fun to think about. Not sure if it belongs here.
Started dating at 15, moved in together at 18, and within 6 months of living together she cheated on me. She owed me something like $800, for one months rent and for a vet bill I paid for.
We still lived together for 6 months after we broke up, cause despite me being able to move back home, she expected me to move out and also continue paying my portion of rent. It sucked, but it sucked less than paying for her to have her own place.
The tv/internet bill was in her name. We had cable. The fact that she owed me money was documented via email.
I very strategically sent many emails asking her to confirm that she was aware she owed me money, and how much. I also asked if we could just deduct my portion of the cable bill from the debt she owed me.
On the second last month of our lease, she was hounding me for my portion of the internet/cable bill (about $30). Wouldn’t take no for an answer and threatened to not pay and have it turned off.
Had another roommate in school who needed it, so I paid my part. By this time she was staying with the man she cheated on me with so she wasn’t really around ever.
For some reason when she moved all her stuff out, she left the cable box and wifi router. I guess assuming cause I was still paying for/using it. I brought my own tv to use after her and her new boyfriend came in one day and took hers without saying anything, while I was actively watching it with a tinder hookup.
That was an awkward night. Edit: to be more clear, I mean it was her TV they came in and took. Like I brought in my own Tv after they came to collect her tv. It was just awkward that I was actively watching her tv when they came to get it.
I knew I was never getting my money back, so I had an idea. Buy every channel that exists, all extras I could buy just with the 4-digit pin. Before this, I emailed her one last time saying something like “Just to confirm, my portion of this months bill will be subtracted from $X amount you owe to me, correct?” And she agreed.
These purchases began a week or two before I moved back in with my parents.
I bought every channel individually, bought and rented movies, even started paying for pay per view cause I thought it was hilarious. Kept track of everything I purchased and racked the bill up to almost exactly how much money she owed me, leaving a bit of space in case I miscalculated. About $750.
When she got the bill I was back with my parents. She came to my parents house bill in hand, my father answered the door. Meekly stated something like “BBQingmaster spent so much on this bill, I can’t afford it” to which my father responded “use the money you owe to pay for it” and closed the door on her. I was listening and out of sight.
Whether or not she ended up having to pay, I’ll never know. But it felt good to do at the time.
Edit: Fun detail I’d like to add here. They were engaged to each other after two or three months. They are still engaged to this day, 4 and a half years later (still not married). She is pregnant with his child.
Dad rocks!
That’s beautiful. Don’t think she can get cable in her name again until it’s paid
cable companies are pretty relentless in collecting what they are owed, if she was smart, she went on the payment plan and paid it off over time but she does not sound smart, so it probably went to collections and on her credit report.
Your dad is my hero. As an uncle I aspire to be in his likeness. 😎
Lol all I have to say is... Owned 😂 cheaters deserve the worst in the world & more, fuck em.
Man I had a similar story.. quick version is.
Paid for drug addict ex car payment that was behind while she was hiding the fact the money was going towards pills.. cheated on me. I stayed with her and used her CC to buy a sound system for truck started making payments, then bought a laptop to exact amount of car payments she owed. And dipped.. fun times
I wish I could have gotten back at my ex like this. She cheated on me also and we decided to keep living together after the breakup because we had bought a house together but it was in her name.
She ended up breaking my nice tv because she was drunk and punched it. Never paid me back or said sorry. The only thing that brings me satisfaction is knowing that she is probably struggling to pay the mortgage on her own since she doesn’t make much.
The next time this happens to you just keep the cable box as a hostage for repayment of what they owe you.
I just enjoy thinking that when she came to your house to speak to your father she referred to you by your reddit username