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Pregnant woman tells husband on the spectrum to 'stop humiliating her in public.'

Pregnant woman tells husband on the spectrum to 'stop humiliating her in public.'


When this woman is annoyed with her husband, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for calling my husband an embarrassment in public ?'

I (29F) have been married to my husband (28M) for 3 years and I'm pregnant in my second trimester. My husband is on the spectrum and has some childish 'habits' so to say.

The one causing this conflict is his habit of only eating half of the fries from McDonalds and not eating the half of the fry that he grabbed with his hand cause according to him he doesn't want to get sick from the germs he has on his hands, as he feels like he has more than usual whenever we got at a restaurant/mall/etc (he's also a bit of a germaphobe).

Usually I'd just side eye him and then ignore him, but frankly I didn't want to do it this time cause this is an almost 30 year old man acting like a toddler in public when he himself is gonna become a dad soon.

So I told him that he's acting like a child and embarrassing himself in public and to eat the fries normally or with a fork, but he just told me to leave him alone.

Then shortly after he spilled some of his ice cream on his shirt and I was completely done with him and went at him about how he's acting like a complete embarrassment whenever he got out in public and how he needs to grow tf up cause I'm not about to raise him as well while we have a child on the way.

He pretty much started sulking and refused to eat what he had left (which I ate in his place, I wasn't about to let that food and money go to waste cause of his tantrums). however once we got home he literally started sobbing into a pillow and after an hour he started playing his video games for the rest of the day while completely ignoring ?

AITA ? I just asked him for more maturity at these (incoming) stages of our lives and instead he acted even more childish.

alerorarking writes:

YTA. First off, none of this is a big deal. Your getting all upset over fries. This is an overreaction if there is one. Second it's who he is an has happened his whole life. You aren't going to just change him. This is the person you married.

meanmrcoffee writes:

YTA. You married this person knowing their habits and peculiarities, which seems not to be impacting anyone else. It sounds like you are frustrated by how his behavior reflects on you. I don't think he's doing anything wrong in particular, and ignoring you after you hurt his feeling seems justified.

Meta comment: Being pregnant is very hard, and it's hard dealing with a significant other. It's understandable. You should reflect on what caused you to feel this way, because it doesn't sound like it's only from this instance.

sensitivetension0 writes:

YTA but gently because pregnancy hormones are a beast. Still, if this has always been your husband’s behaviour, and is part of being on the spectrum, it’s not fair to expect him to suddenly change.

Looks like OP is TA! Any advice for her in dealing with her hubby?

Sources: Reddit
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