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Wife steals husband's credit card to buy $2K shoes while already in debt. AITA?

Wife steals husband's credit card to buy $2K shoes while already in debt. AITA?


"AITAH for canceling my credit card after my wife took it from me and spent $2000 on a pair of shoes without asking?"

My (36m) wife (27f) and I got in a fight. As she has done many times when we fight, she took my wallet and my phone and refused to give them back to me. After demanding for a while for her to give them back without any success, I left the house to go for a walk and cool down.

When I come back home, she is no longer there and I receive an email from my bank for potential fraudulent charges on my credit card. I check my account and there is a pending charge for $2000 from a high end luxury store.

Turns out it was for a pair of shoes. I call my bank, tell them my card was stolen and ask to cancel the charge and cancel the card. Now my wife is angry at me because we don’t have a credit card to use and thought that I overreacted by doing that.

She is blaming me for not having a credit card, failing to recognize that it was her actions that led to it.

We already have about $10k in credit card debt and I wasn’t about to have another $2k on top of that. I especially wasn’t going to just let it happen without any consequences because I definitely don’t want it to happen again in the future. So, AITAH?

Edit: Because many people have been asking, she did not end up getting the shoes. She pre-ordered them online and was in her way to pick them up from the store when I canceled the transaction and the card. So there are no worries there.

Here were the top rated comments from readers:


Nope. NTA. Revenge spending is a horses%*t maneuver by an immature person who can’t or won’t accept either reality or consequences. Hate to say it, bud, but this relationship sounds unhealthy for you.


My idea of revenge spending would be buying myself takeout and not getting you any. And making sure there are no leftovers. Probably bought with my own money, because it wouldn't really occur to me to do anything else. Have I been doing it wrong?


NTA. I stopped reading once you said a 27 year old grown ass woman takes your wallet and phone when you argue. I would leave because you are married to a child.


this isn’t even childish. children wouldn’t do this, she’s just controlling and downright abusive.


NTA. You’re in an abusive marriage. Get a divorce lawyer and get rid of her.


What the actual f*&k. It is NOOOOT normal for someone to steal their partner's wallet after a fight. Your wife is bat%$*t crazy and I suspect she's more abusive than you're letting on. F*^%$ng leave, dude. That's how you stop it from happening in the future.


Get out of this relationship before she bankrupts you for real. She is toxic AF.

So, does this seem like a normal relationship dynamic to you? Should he get the heck out of there?

Sources: Reddit
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