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Woman is called selfish when she won't order vegan to accommodate friend's diet. AITA?

Woman is called selfish when she won't order vegan to accommodate friend's diet. AITA?


When this woman feels like she may have been offensive to her friends, she asks Reddit:

"AITA for refusing to order vegan food?"

So I (f 20) hang out with 2 close friends (f19 f23) a lot who are both vegan. I don't have a problem with them being vegan, and they don't agree with me eating meat but accept it. Because of that we usually go home to eat and meet up after that again.

Last weekend we had a movie night at my place and decided to order food, and found a place we had all ordered from before (without knowing XD) they have both vegan and non vegan food. They both picked vegan options and asked me what I would get, went for a pasta dish that I usually get with meat in it.

They got offended by this because they didn't want me eating meat next to them. I looked at the vegan options on the menu and everything had mushrooms in it, which I'm allergic to. My allergy isn't that bad, people can eat it next to me, as long as I don't eat them I won't get sick ( not being able to keep anything down for 1/2 days).

I explained my allergy and that I would go with my pasta. At this point they got mad that I refused to accept their lifestyle. I've told them if it wouldn't make me sick I wouldn't care if it's vegan or not, and see if other places have vegan options I could eat.

They refused and left calling me a b&&ch, and haven't spoken to me in 2 days, they also weren't at school today. So AITA for refusing and should I apologize?

Let's see what readers thought.

pandamin421 writes:

NTA. You did nothing to indicate that you do not accept their lifestyle. You only chose not to participate. My partner is vegan, sometimes I'll order from a vegan place, sometimes she orders a vegan item from a non-vegan place I'm eating from. Sometimes we order from separate places.

She doesn't try to police what I eat, and I don't police what she eats. Your friends are going to have to either learn to let others eat what they want, or limit their friends to only those who only eat what they do.

rckshow writes: were at your own home. You can eat what you like.
They don't get to be upset that you didn't order something vegan, especially all of the options had mushrooms in it.

You ordering a non-vegan dish doesn't mean you don't accept their lifestyle, it means you choose to live how you want and if that includes meat and pasta, than so be it.

shammydammy writes:

NTA. You did not prevent or shame them for choosing the options that work best for them. You accepted their lifestyle just fine. They, however, are not returning that favor and it sounds like they want you to be sick to please them.

Looks like OP is NTA. Any advice for them?

Sources: Reddit
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