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Woman pushes back when pressured into giving puppy to BF's autistic nephew. AITA?

Woman pushes back when pressured into giving puppy to BF's autistic nephew. AITA?


"AITA for not giving my puppy away to a kid with autism?"

I 22f have three dogs, one of which is the puppy in question. I recently got him. We traveled out of town with him, to see my in laws and my bf’s autistic nephew was there he immediately took to my puppy and they spent most of the trip hanging out.

His mom and MIL said they’ve never seen him take to an animal like that and that him and my puppy have something special.

Well when we were leaving he had a complete meltdown because he knew we were taking the puppy. His mom suggested we could let him stay and get a new puppy and MIL agreed. I said absolutely not because he’s mine and I picked him out. If they want him to have a puppy they can go get him one.

They said it’s not that easy as my puppy is calm and they took to each other, which they did, but still he’s mine. My boyfriend told me on the ride home his mom was saying a lot about me being selfish and cruel and he was wondering if we should’ve just left him. AITA?

Let's see what internet users had to say.

brandonbluntly writes:

NTA. also, as someone who has cared for dogs and raised and trained them for over 25 years, a new puppy is not for autistic children. I don't know what type of autism your nephew has, but you need a specialized dog for autistic children. You should tell your MIL and SIL that.

valleyghoul writes:

Did they even consider how it would impact the actual puppy? That’s a huge change for him. Suddenly it’s all new people and home and his old family is gone. Being abandoned by his family would be stressful. Dogs, especially puppies, are a lot of work and deserve a family who’s prepared for them,

mousingjoke writes:

NTA. IF they search I am sure they can find a calm puppy for him as well, just lazy to search for a bit and also probably used to trying to give him everything that he wants as to prevent meltdowns. But a dog is not an ice cream you can just give away whenever...

Looks like OP is NTA. What can these parents do to help their struggling child?

Sources: Reddit
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