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Woman refuses to share food with coworker. Gets called 'selfish.' AITA?

Woman refuses to share food with coworker. Gets called 'selfish.' AITA?


When this woman is upset with her coworker, she asks Reddit:

"AITA for Refusing to Share My Food with My Co-worker?"

I (22F) work in a busy office with several co-workers, and one of them, Lisa (26F), has been causing a bit of drama recently. I'm not sure if I'm the asshole in this situation.

It all started when Lisa noticed that I often brought delicious homemade lunches to the office. She began making comments about how she'd love to try my cooking and suggested that I bring extra portions to share with everyone. While I don't mind sharing occasionally, I didn't feel obligated to do so every day.

One day, Lisa saw me heating up my lunch, which was a special dish I had prepared for my anniversary with my husband. She asked if I could share some with her and a few other co-workers. I politely declined, explaining that it was a special meal for my anniversary, and I had made just enough for the two of us.

Lisa seemed offended and said I was being selfish. She continued making comments about how I should be more giving and share my food with my co-workers to foster a better office environment. I tried to explain that it wasn't my responsibility to provide food for everyone, but she didn't seem to understand.

A few days later, Lisa confronted me again, asking if she could at least have a taste of whatever I brought that day. I was getting frustrated with her constant requests and told her no, which led to a heated argument in the office kitchen. Other colleagues got involved, and it turned into an uncomfortable situation.

Now, I'm wondering if I overreacted by not sharing my lunch with Lisa and whether I should have been more accommodating. AITA for refusing to share my food with my co-worker? AITA?

Let's see what readers thought.

ozezo writes:

Absolutely NTA. This is so weird to me. I can’t even imagine having Lisa’s mindset and thinking I’m entitled to someone else’s lunch. That’s bizarre. Honestly, I think you should go to management or HR at this point.

Someone needs to talk to Lisa about her inappropriate behavior. You shouldn’t have to deal with her pestering you every time you have your lunch.

torrinforlyfe writes:

NTA- not only is this weird and overstepping, but like it’s also a huge liability for you if you did. If she got sick after eating your food she could make your life hell. Imagine if she got an allergic reaction?

I would talk to HR and if she asked again I would tell her that “you are making me uncomfortable.” And just leave it there. She is creating a hostile work environment. Wtf truly.

dontbither writes:

Nta. Ask her why she feels you should spend money to feed her? Food cost. It takes you time toprepare the meal. Why does she feel entitled to your time and money? Does she bring food for everyone?

Until she can give you a valid answer to these questions you should just shut her down everytime and refuse to discuss it. Tell her she is harassing you and it has to stop or you will report her to management.

Looks like OP is NTA here! Any advice for her?

Sources: Reddit
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