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Woman tapes son's dead mouse to ex-hubby's door to 'prove' she's the better parent.

Woman tapes son's dead mouse to ex-hubby's door to 'prove' she's the better parent.


When this mom is upset with her ex-husband and rather disgusted with her son's behavior, she asks Reddit:

'AITA for leaving a mouse on my ex-husband's door?'

I got my son a pet mouse that he was initially very happy with. But after he went to his Dad's house and came back, he said he didn't like it anymore because it was a 'low-quality, inbred mouse,' because his Dad told him so.

I called up my ex-husband, who played dumb and said he only meant it as a 'joke.' But I knew better. He's always trying to poison our children against me.

My son kept whining about the mouse and demanding I take it 'back' to the pet store and get him a new one. I told him that the pet store doesn't allow returns and that the mouse was just fine.

Unbeknownst to me, my son later took away his mouse's food and water and let it die of starvation. Then he showed me the dead mouse and said I 'had to' buy him a new one. I don't know what kind of messed up logic he was operating with, but I told him I don't have to do anything and that he can have a pet when he's more mature.

My ex-husband claimed he was 'horrified' by what our son did, but I bet he was laughing his ass off. That was exactly what he wanted to happen when he started with that 'low-quality inbred mouse' line.

So I decided to duct tape the dead mouse to my ex-husband's door, like the German Army used to do in Belgium. Since he's raising our son to be a selfish jerk and a monster, he can deal with a dead mouse on his door. AITA?

Let's see what internet users had to say.

christinefm writes:

Yes this ESH, op you need to get your child in therapy asap. What he did was super cruel and inhumane. If he doesn’t understand that, you need to make him understand that what he did is absolutely not okay.

Also as a parent myself, if I get my child a pet, I oversee it’s care or them caring for it. You should have been supervising your child’s care of the mouse. Example making sure it’s cage was clean and it had FOOD and WATER.

queensarcasmo writes:

ESH. You and your ex for being the kind of selfish parents who let their own petty crap get in the way of what's best for their kids. And now your son. Congratulations. You're both turning him into a little sociopath. Get him, and yourselves, into some therapy ASAP.

gmgroarty writes:

YTA: Be an adult, document the situation; you left the care of an animal to a child and never checked in? You're culpable for that death, no matter how small. Today it's a mouse, tomorrow it's a dog and by the time he's 20 he's got people's skin masks under his bed Your ex? AH too; he's created a toxic environment for your son and is a total POS.

Your son? AH too; your kid allowed something to starve to death, that's seriously fucked up and all 3 of you need to be in counseling ASAP! Nobody comes off good here, you all help and if your conduct continues like this neither you or your ex should be in charge.

Looks like this family needs major therapy. This is not normal behavior. Any advice for these warring parents?

Sources: Reddit
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