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16 hilarious things that students did that'll get you ready for back-to-school season.

16 hilarious things that students did that'll get you ready for back-to-school season.


It's back-to-school season, so we've gathered the funniest things students have done in schools all in one place for you.

1. Embarrassed_Menu9243 shares one student's attempt in making Valentine's Day Cards.

2. capta1n_sarcasm shared this gem:

3. john_vella shared this students game board submission:

Lets take a closer look:

4. minjenzo shares the last page of this student's dinosaur assignment and it's incredible:

5. Auraus shares this student's homework submission:

6. BarnabyJonezz shares the best gift they've ever received.

7. Alligatorcake shares this student's drawing of them.

8. billy_likes_trains shares the difficulties of college:

9. rs_joe7 shares the get well soon card their kid made for their teacher.

10. alligatorcake should call MOMA about all these drawings they have.

11. LexExodus shares something a teacher confiscated:

12. Camhumphreys shares this Christmas gift from a student:

13. MaxPronovost shares a self-portrait a student gave him.

14. Ajlynnart shares how this student made their own rules.

15. Abrakh shares this hilarious survey one student created:

16. AltDoxie shared:

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