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Woman discovers her BIL's Grindr account, decides to confront her sister. UPDATED

Woman discovers her BIL's Grindr account, decides to confront her sister. UPDATED


"My(22F) Brother In law (Mid 30s) is on Grindr"

Here's the original post:

My sister has been married to him for 10 years and dated him for 2 years before getting married. My best friend is gay and he found his account on grindr. He took screenshots and sent them to me.

My sister and her husband have such a great relationship. I don't know how this could have happened, Even I can't believe this. I am so scared and I know the right thing to do but I don't know how I will go about it. I love my sister and I know this will crush her. They seem so in love and I don't know how I can show this to her?
I am just really scared on how I will go about this and could use some advice.

TLDR : Best Friend found my BIL on grindr, IDK what to do?

What do you think she should do?! This is what top commenters had to say:

Mysterious-Meet-2599 said:

You need to tell her asap because this means he's cheating & she could have an STD. Here's what you do. Call her up & ask her to meet you briefly. Explain how you found & that you felt compelled to tell her. Now here's what's most important - remember that she will do whatever she wants with this info.

Do not expect her to leave him. She may not even tell him she knows. Or she may know & this is his way of having an open marriage. No matter what, tell her the info with no judgment or expectations.

skripturz said:

Tbh it can mean a lot of different things. It could also mean ur sisters a freak and they could be looking for a 3rd person or some sh!t but since you’re worries about your sister, you should talk to her about it, try to come up with a fool proof plan that can catch this guy and his lies if he tries to make any up

YourRAResource said:

Unfortunately, you just need to be honest and present the information you have at hand. With all else being equal, what would your first thought be if you found out your BIL was active on Tinder? Sexuality aside, cheating is cheating. Talk to your sister.

YoYoMoMa said:

You have to tell her sadly. Feel free to do it anonymously if you are scared.

She decided to confront her sister, and then she posted this update:

I decided to just tell her as quickly as possible so I called her and asked her if we could meet to get coffee and she was down. I showed her the screenshots and she wasn't surprised and the first thing she said was that he still isn't using the pictures she took for him.

She said she knew about it and it was not something I needed to worry about but she thanked me for bringing this up to me. She then changed the topic and we drank coffee and when I was about to leave she went quiet and then said that she wanted me to know it is not something she was bullied into and she didn't mind it at all.

She said she had other partners too and that she is asexual. I told her that it was very different the image they projected but it was not my business and all that mattered was that she is happy.

It is pretty weird as I saw them as the old school puppy love kinda couple and it is wild that they date other people but at the same time but she seems happy and content. I think nothing else really matters.

TLDR : My sister is poly? and my brother in law is not cheating.

Plot twist! What do you think of this situation?!

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