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'AITA for wanting my stepdaughter to pay to replace dishes?'

'AITA for wanting my stepdaughter to pay to replace dishes?'

"AITA for wanting my stepdaughter to pay to replace dishes?"

My (38f) fiance, Jake, (46m) moved in with me 6 months ago. Then 2 months later his daughter, Kari, moved in with us. Kari is lazy. She doesn't do chores, no cleaning or cooking, not even her own laundry. She leaves a mess everywhere she goes, doesn't listen when I ask her to help out, rolls her eyes and continuously mocks me.

Jake says, she's a kid, give her time, she'll get better, and to ease up on her cause it's not a big deal. Recently, past 3-4 weeks, Kari has gotten in the habit of tossing her dishes into the sink. Usually from halfway between the dining table and sink, which is several feet. The problem is, all my dishes are either ceramic or glass, which means when they land they are getting shattered.

I'm at the point of using paper plates, cups and bowls because I don't have enough dishes anymore. I've told and snapped at Kari to stop many times, but she does it anyway, giggles say oops, sorry, guess I forgot, and practically skips out of the kitchen. I ended up telling Jake that either Kari finds a way to pay for the dishes she's broken or she can go live with her mom or grandparents.

I'm done being disrespected in my home. Jake says I'm being a total b#&*h towards his child, she has no job, it's unfair to kick Kari out and if I do, he will never forgive me for being so cruel as to make Kari feel this isn't her home, too. AITA? Edit to add: Kari is 21.

People did not hold back their honest thoughts on this situation.

KronkLaSworda wrote:


Kick them both out.

busyshrew wrote:

OP, I think Kari's age is relevant. 21 is WAY TOO OLD to be behaving like that and being so disrespectful to items that are not her own. Where is she getting the idea that she can be rude to you and careless with your things? I think you should rethink your relationship with your BF. Even Brad Pitt wouldn't be worth this crap.

Laines_Ecossaises wrote:

NTA. So you plan to marry a man who didn't teach any respect for others in his child, is okay with you being treated like crap and now is making you the villain? The first time was an oops, every other broken plate was an intentional act. She has to go and he should probably be right behind her.

NanaLeonie wrote:

NTA. Both of them need to go. Make an inventory of everything she’s broken and demand reimbursement. Neither of them are showing any respect for you or your home.

Sources: Reddit
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