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18 people share the best example of 'the dumbest person in the room is the loudest.'

18 people share the best example of 'the dumbest person in the room is the loudest.'

Witnessing an incredibly loud and impressively confident person make an argument that is objectively wrong can be a humbling experience...

So, when a Reddit user asked, 'The loudest voice in the room is usually the dumbest' what an example of this you have seen?' people were ready to share.


You know the weirdos that show up at town hall meetings? Those voices. - Leeser


Me. College anthropology class. Age 19. About 5 minutes into day one, the teacher opened the floor for “any questions- no matter how dumb you may think they sound” about biology, anatomy, anthropology, science in general, just to get the class comfortable with asking questions and breaking the ice.

People timidly asked questions like “How old is the universe?” “What kind of butterflies were common in ancient Egypt?” This dummy here voluntarily stood up (nobody else did; even the teacher was on a stool) and theatrically asked just why the heck male mammals have nipples.

Everyone turned and stared at me and began laughing. The teacher was like “Ok ok. Do you have an actual question?” Lady, that was my question. I grew up in charter schools which means little to no regulation on the math and science classes I had to take.

I’d literally never taken a science class beyond 6th grade and even then, we never went into nipples because the conservative Christians running my school wouldn’t have had that. I really thought most people were wondering like I was lol.

I’m aware it wasn’t my fault and it wasn’t that dumb of a question. But for a college level anthro class, yeah. Now when people are like “no question is too dumb!” I’m like, OH YEAH?? - FartAttack911


A lady in a restaurant said salmonella is caused due to certain species of salmon. And yes, she was loud. - Ok-Addition9387


Sat next to a girl in high school algebra who went on a rant about how the Moon was fake and man-made…Not the Moon landing, the Moon. - codytheguitarist


Every MLM predator when they find out someone has been diagnosed with cancer. Their miracle products not only claim to cure cancer but pH balance your blood and fight off the harmful effects of that nasty chemotherapy, which they tell you that you shouldn't even do, and instead, drink their incredible drinks or take the always overpriced supplements they sell.

People who prey on people with cancer to make a sale, are the lowest of the low, and always the loudest and first to tell you how your doctors are wrong. Yes, I'm speaking from personal experience...

I was absolutely flooded with these people when I was diagnosed. One of them got to my mom and conned her out of $1000 because my mom was so scared about my diagnosis.

I took the supplements home out of guilt because mom spent all this money, and brought them to my oncologist to check. He just rolled his eyes and said to trash the whole lot. The products most likely would have done nothing at best, and at worst interfered with the chemo uptake.. I was not going to take any chances and tossed them all. - 1LungWonder


I’m an electrical engineer and I tried to explain to my wife why our pet tortoise didn’t get electrocuted several years ago. Long story short she told me I was wrong.

Sometimes stuff isn’t even worth arguing over. She had no answer for why he didn’t get electrocuted other than to tell me I was wrong. I love her but she can’t even load AA batteries correctly. Confidence can be scary. - DuvalHMFIC


I'm sure that there have been a number of studies around this - I recall reading about one some years ago that I haven't been able to find. The basic premise is that small groups were set up in a controlled situation and given the task of coming up with some kind of a business plan.

They had people observe the interactions and identify who they thought were leaders, and inevitably it was the people that spoke first and/or loudest that were perceived as leaders who helped guide the team to a correct solution to this fairly subjective problem.

The twist was that the study was also replicated with the groups given the task to solve a mathematical problem. Again, the loud ones were perceived as the ones who led the group to the right answer, even though in this case the answer was often objectively incorrect.

Having worked in the business world for many years, I can say that I've seen many people who are in positions of leadership/management solely because they were loud, assertive and confident, despite being wrong. - phasechanges


Literally every time my boss talks. - Boureyn


My old coworker on my team who made my life miserable for months ranting about Covid, arguing with customers, arguing with coworkers and management over stuff that’s not even important, and just generally thinking he’s right about everything without ever taking the time to check his info.

He once told a prospective customer “Judging by your Linkedin profile picture you look like a woman who could benefit from the use of makeup. 'Can ya believe he didn’t work out as a salesman? - HallucinatesOtters


A few days ago I learned someone at my work is a newly flat earther and a covid conspirator.
He was by far the most loud person in the room during an office gathering.
It fits so well. - Defoler


I had a girl in my sophomore year try and compare herself to holocaust victims by saying that because she only eats like an apple or two a day during spring break then she would have survived the camps. It is, without a doubt, one of the dumbest things I have ever heard in my life still. - caboos55


Every guy that’s ever referred to himself as “alpha” - stankrhino44


People who pay $8 for their Tweets to appear at the top of the replies. It's like joining a conversation where someone has given a megaphone to all the people most likely to fall for MLM scams. - AndyVale


The people that make their love of loud cars everyone else's problem. - Sphenos


All forms of social media. We are basing change in the US upon the loudest social media voices like it's a good thing. Doesn't matter the 'side'. What matters is an idiot is amplified via social media and people who are as stupid as they will tag on and bleat until they get their way.

It is a disgusting thing to watch happen, but can also be amusing given when one does do 'sides' one side has to always act like they have the moral high-ground when they are just as freaking stupid as the side they are arguing against. - hap_hap_happy_feelz


My ex-husband. We couldn't discuss anything. His answer to every problem was just to scream over me until he got his way - Bebe_Bleau


I’m sorry but I just can’t resist this. “Nobody knows more about drones than I do”. “Nobody know more about construction than I do”. “Nobody know more about technology than I do.' “Nobody know more about campaign finance than I do”. “Nobody knows more about stuff than I do.'

“Nobody know more about infrastructure than I do.' “Nobody know more about ISIS than I do.' “Nobody know more about war than I do.' “Nobody knows more about nuclear than I do.'

“Nobody knows more about environmental impact than I do.' “Nobody knows more about steel workers than I do.' “Nobody knows more about courts than I do.'

Ima leave it there but the list just goes on and on. I didn’t mention any names but anybody could guess who these quotes are from. - BillMillerBBQ


When someone thinks that shouting in English at a person who does not speak English will help them understand more. - Charlotte-Milf

Sources: Reddit
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