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16 people share how their high school crush on their teacher ended.

16 people share how their high school crush on their teacher ended.


Hormones are plenty in every High School. Adolescents going through puberty and discovering who they are can be stressful. Every teen can probably point to one teacher they had the hots for. It's normal and, as long as nothing happens, is perfectly harmless.

On a popular Reddit thread in the Ask Reddit Subreddit, people share stories about how their teacher crushes went.

1. lilbatboy says:

Not me personally, but I had a girl openly try to flirt with our teacher. One day she was giggling and jokingly accused him of trying to look down her shirt. Holy sh%t, did that backfire. He immediately lost his cool and marched her straight up to the office. I cringe at the secondhand embarrassment to this day.

2. BothIssue1286 says:

Not me but many girls in my high school had a crush on the English teacher. I knew him pretty well since he had been my soccer coach throughout high school and even in middle school. He also coached wrestling and track. He was in his early 30s and in incredible shape, as in he did triathlons shape.

One day in class, kinda a low work day, some girls wrote 'Mr ____ is hot' on the dry-erase board. He flipped out, just 'oh hell no,' and gave us a lecture on why that was inappropriate. A few years after I graduated, he was the teacher of the year.

3. Alias2031 says:

I had a crush on my math teacher, so I took two of his classes as electives. That’s the end of the story. I am an accountant now tho.

4. Rich1926 says:

I had a crush on my middle school science teacher. She was cheating on her husband with the married gym coach. She married him.

A few years later, she left him for another married man. She then dumped him. Later she got with another married man. She took his wife's place as co-owner of the company he was preparing to start with his wife. She is currently married to him.

5. SuvenPan says:

It ended with her telling me to focus on my studies after I gave her a love letter (which she returned back).

6. spidermom4 says:

I was hard core teenage girl 'in love' with my English teacher in high school. He was married with kids. He just like, paid attention to me. Which I was getting none of at home. So my little hormone ridden teenage brain was like, I want to spend all of the rest of my life with him.

I also have just always exclusively had a thing for older men. I think he kind of understood I didn't have a great home life, he had my brother previously in his class, and I had confided some of the stuff going on at home to him. We were both into the same kinda of movies and music.

So we would exchange CDs and I would bring in movies for me and my friends to watch at lunch in his classroom. So kids would often make rumors about us. But he was awesome. Never did or said anything inappropriate, and I was waaaaay too embarrassed to ever even hint that I had feelings for him.

But he would check my grades in other classes and ask me to stay after class and give me pep talks and lectures about bringing my grades up. Because my parents never did that or really gave me any encouragement other than yelling at me and calling me lazy.

He came to my wedding and we kept in touch for a few years after I graduated. Just like, 'Hey how's it going?' Or sending eachother Christmas cards. And I'm very grateful to have had an adult in my life who saw me and helped me through a tough time. And I can see now that I was just like trauma bonded to him because I was craving positive attention.

7. FlabbyFishFlaps says:

Girl in my class had a flirtatious relationship with our social science teacher in high school. Immediately after graduation she went up to him and said 'I want you' and he said 'I always told you guys to go after what you want, didn’t I?'

At least that’s what she said happened. But they got married and had two kids. Divorced a few years later but hey, she shot her shot. It was scandalous in our little town of course. He was like 28 I think.

8. MexiCAN1818 says:

Not myself, but in high school a few girls had a crush on the swim teacher/coach and a few of them ended up pregnant and he ended up in prison.

9. Thornton_Salo says:

Yes, it ended up with me no longer having a crush on them.

10. MakeMeFeelLikeDancin says:

Yes. Our computer class teacher. Everyone had a crush on him, but we all thought there was no way he would ever pay attention to us being so young. He was really kind and consistently so smooth.

One day the principal found him after school hours making out with one of the senior students at the teacher's lounge, and he was fired right on the spot while the girl was suspended, but they kept it a secret from the rest of the students. The next day they hired some guy who looked like George Constanza to replace him and told us that the previous teacher had to take a trip or something.

We found out what happened from rumors, and I knew he didn't go on a trip because he worked part-time at my then boyfriend's school and said he was still working there.

One day a news reporter was outside my school trying to interview parents about 'what happened.' It turns out the girl the teacher was making out with was the daughter of some important businesses man, and he wanted to sue the school.

The school then had to tell us the truth about what happened (in a very meek way) and asked us not to talk to any media about it. It was a big scandal. I was just crushed knowing I could have had a chance with him; silly me.

11. IlluminatedPickle says:

My IT teacher was really hot. All the dudes had a crush on her. Nothing happened, I left school and she added me on Facebook. We'd spoken a lot about mental health stuff because I'm autistic and she had an autistic brother. A lot of time to just aimlessly chat in an early 2000s IT class waiting for sh%t to load.

Anyway, a few years later I was in a homeless shelter. There was this total nutbag there who kept getting the sh^t kicked out of him because he was delusional and would accuse people of sh#t constantly. He ended up getting kicked out, I went to buy some weed from the dealer all the shelter residents used the same day.

He was there, loudly shouting 'YOU DON'T F%CK WITH A ' and thought to myself 'I wonder.' So I asked him if he had a sister named < teacher's first name>. Got no response from him, just a weird stare. So I pulled out my phone, brought up Facebook, and showed him a photo.

'Is this your sister?' 'HOW DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF MY SISTER ON YOUR PHONE' and just flipped the out at me. Tried to take a swing, but I just moved out of the way and he got dragged off by some other customers.

Told his sister the story via Facebook, and her first response was 'What are you doing in a shelter?' She ended up giving me a job for a while to get me on my feet.

12. Scenick says:

Miss Flores. Really fancied my Spanish teacher. She was quite posh English but had a wonderful Spanish accent. We danced in a bar when I was in 6th form, and then about a year after leaving school, I saw she had a kid with someone from the year below me. I am content.

13. sometorontoguy says:

Grade 10 biology teacher. She was really young, must have been fresh out of teacher's college, bubbly and cheerful, willing to help students, and seemed to care about her work (which was not the norm at my high school).

I don't remember her name (it's been over twenty-five years, and biology was one of the subjects I didn't pursue to completion). I never did anything about it.

Dear Reader: If you were a petite biology teacher in Scarborough, Ontario, in the 90s, and remember boasting about having a playset of Beta Serra Angels to a tall ogrish, socially maladjusted student, hit me up; I'd love to buy you a drink and catch up, even if it's just platonic. I thought you were so cool.

14. Hrekires says:

I graduated high school, never saw him again, and genuinely couldn't tell you anything about him today. In retrospect, I don't even remember if he was actually cute or if he was just the only teacher in the school under 30.

15. AcornTopHat says:

Yes. He was in his mid-twenties when I was in high school. My best friend had him as a teacher and told him I had a crush on him, and I was mortified.

Fast forward twenty years, and come to find out, he is still a teacher at my high school, divorced, and is known to date former students after they A) graduate and B) are over 18.

He lived in my current town and used to go to my gym. I could see him in the mirror's reflection on more than one occasion, watching me work out.

16. Etazin says:

There were three hot teachers at my school, I was in the third hottest teachers class one semester. Asked her if teachers were allowed to go to prom with students, and she replied, 'Mrs.D and Mrs.C already have dates, I believe if that’s why you’re asking.'

I said, 'No, I was wondering if you would go with me?' She turned the brightest shade of red I have ever seen on someone’s face. The class was girls (media studies class), gasping and giggling galore. She politely declined, and we continued with that day's lesson.

Nothing ever came of it, but I got a decent grade bump in her class after that day. She passed away a decade later after a battle with cancer, RIP Miss S.

Sources: Reddit
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