Just a little background. I originally come from Ukraine, and I travel a lot all my life. I studied and lived in England from 12 until 21 years old, and now am working on Belgium. My mother knew this fortune teller, who was known to be diagnose diseases just by holding your hand, as well as predict your future (at least key events).
My mother was worried about my future since I had so many opportunities, that she took me to see this guy. I had exams coming up, and it was a good way to both distract myself and learn something new.
The guy made a total of 7 predictions. I will first mention the ones that happen and then rest that are yet to be. Just to let you know, this guy lives in a tiny village, and never travelled outside of it, nor does he have access to the internet. Anyway, here goes.
I would get 82% in my exams: He guessed the exact percent. I was doing well in my studies at all, and I only started studying properly in the last months. He put his hand on my forehead and immediately said i shouldnt worry, as I will get 82% which is what I need to get into a university I wanted. That came true and I went yo university.
I have problems with my liver: I was a very healthy kid, and did a lot of sports semi-professionaly. In my school at 18 Years old, I was in a football, rowing and tennis team. I barely drink and eat properly and had a very healthy body composition.
After he said I have problems with my liver, we went to a doctor and guess what - I had an enlarged and hardened liver. Doctors had no idea what caused it, and to make it normal I had to do a special diet for 2 months. After that, it all went back to normal.
I would travel to Finland for work at 23 years old, but not before then: I had a business trip to Estonia and Finland last December. And guess what - I literally travelled to Finland the day before I turned 24. I had no control over booking the tickets or scheduling this business trip - my management sent me on this mission. I never been to Finland, nor any nordic countries ever.
At 28 I will have 1000 employees under my management. (Hasnt happened yet): I am currently trying to work myself up to become a project manager, but still not sure if its possible for this to happen. Right now I manage around 30 employees, so its a big jump to 1k, but we will see.
In my entire life, I will travel to Russia only twice (hasnt happend yet): Due to a political climate between Ukraine and Russia, I havent travelled to Russia ever yet. Although I do want to visit badly.
I will marry a blond woman and will have 2 daughters (hasnt happened yet): It was always a dream of mine to have daughters, not sons. I cant explain why, just always wanted to. I have mostly females in my family (loads of sisters, aunts and grandmas), so lets see.
I will move and live in Finland most of my life. (Might happen soon): This is quite unbelievable. He said that when he concentrated on my future, he saw the word "suomi" around me a lot. At the time none of us knew what it was. He also said that I would live and probably die in Finland.
When I came home and googled what suomi is, it turned out to be a language spoken in Finland. And as for working there, when I had a business trip, I made some connections with other colleagues, who invited me for some potential working position. So I might end up moving there sooner rather than later.
So thats that. He predicted a lot of things, like prostate cancer in early stage for my dads friend, which saved his life, as well as healing my grandmas depression by one 15 minutes talking session. I dont know if there is anything to this guy, but its sure not just accidents.
Just for your information, you are not alone and this is not an accident. I am from the middle east and here we have similar people called Alem(knowledgable ones)--- this is not the proper name as the name varies a lot by the region.
These people use Djinns to get information from the heavens and they are usually falsehood mixed with truth. The falsehood is because djinns eavesdrop and they cannot always get the exact information from the 'heavens'.
But yes, it depends on person to person how effective their Djinns(spirits/demon in Christianity). In our religion, going to them is considered taboo and not acceptable as taking the help of demons/Djinns is not permissible. (This is not sarcasm. This is literally what I have experienced since childhood. Making anyone believe is not my duty nor do I care. Thank you for reading.)
Umm do you have this guys phone number, asking for a friend.
Could be confirmation bias. You know these predictions and may subconsciously make moves to see them through, ignore opportunities that take you away from them.
Update this if things start to happen again.
So around 4 years ago I made a post on this sub about my visit to a fortune teller. Since then, I received dozens requests every year for an update, so I thought to provide one now.
Like last time, just a little background. I originally come from Ukraine, and I travel a lot all my life. I studied and lived in England from 12 until 21 years old, and now am still working on Belgium.
My mother knew this fortune teller, who was known to be diagnose diseases just by holding your hand, as well as predict your future (at least key events). My mother was worried about my future since I had so many opportunities, that she took me to see this guy. I had exams coming up, and it was a good way to both distract myself and learn something new.
The guy made a total of 7 predictions. I will first mention the ones that happened, without going into details (you can find them in the original post) and then rest that are yet to be. Just to let you know, this guy lives in a tiny village, and never travelled outside of it, nor does he have access to the internet. Anyway, here goes.
1. I would get 82% in my exams (happened)
2. I have problems with my liver (happened)
3. I would travel to Finland for work at 23 years old, but not before then (happened)
4. At 28 I will have 1000 employees under my management. (not happened “yet”)
So now I am 29 and I still do not have anywhere near this many employees under my management lol. In fact, my career has taken quite a pivot and I should be transitioning to a public sector, big governmental job soon. This was a tough decision that took a lot of thought and effort, so I who knows where this prediction went wrong. But I guess we can count this as not happened.
In my entire life, I will travel to Russia only twice (not happend yet): Due to a political climate between Ukraine and Russia, I havent travelled to Russia ever yet. I would like to one day, but who knows with the ongoing war.
I will marry a blond woman and will have 2 daughters (pretty much happened): So, long and behold – I married a blond woman and have 1 daughter so far. We will definitely have more kids, and it will be interesting to see who the second one is 😊 But its not like it matters.
I will move and live in Finland most of my life. (Might happen soon, again): Now here is the gist. This new job I was talking about, governmental one – I could chose between two countries to be stationed, and one of them was…Finland! But, despite the prophecy, weighing in all factors I decided to go with the other one.
However, this governmental agency is highly proactive in Finland, and there is a very good chance I might end working there. I guess time will tell! But what a crazy “coincidence”.
So thats that so far. I have not heard from him in these past 4 years, and I don’t think my mom either. With the war, who knows where he ended up. But if I have any more updates, I will make sure to let you all know.
This feels more like you took these 'prophecies' to heart and made it your goal to have them become true.
MrFeature_1 (OP)
Honestly, I only remember about them every once in a year or so. Every time I get a message about an update it takes me a minute to even recall any of them.
Just think. If he had chosen the job posting in Finland, he would be supervising 1000 employees by now.
This is what we call a self-fulfilling prophecy.
When I was like 8 I visited a museum that had some pseudo scientific machine that would predict how tall you would be. It said i would be 5'8. I'm 5'7 and ABSOLUTELY bitter about not getting that last inch I was promised.
As long as OP is happy and healthy - good for him. No matter what influenced it.