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Groom's family pranks bride on wedding day to get revenge, groom takes their side.

Groom's family pranks bride on wedding day to get revenge, groom takes their side.


Weddings aren't exactly the best setting for 'hilarious' family pranks, but etiquette doesn't stop some particularly bold guests...

So, when a man with a rice-related vendetta decided to seek revenge at a wedding, it became a cautionary tale in the family for years to come.

My uncle 'pranked' my mom on my parents' wedding day...

My parents got married when I was 9 after years of postponing because of health problems I had as a kid. My mom especially was super excited for that day and one of her requests was having a rice-throwing moment, where the married couple walks down an aisle after the ceremony and guests throw some rice over them as they pass by.

Everything was going well until they got to the end of the aisle and my uncle (dad's brother) decided to pull open the back of my mom's dress a bit, and throw half a bag of rice he had left down her dress. So basically suddenly she had the entire back of her dress, underwear and everything full of rice.

The reason why he did this was because when my aunt (dad's sister) got married a decade earlier, my dad jokingly threw a bit too much rice over my aunt's hair at the end of the aisle, as a prank or inside joke between siblings (that my aunt had agreed on beforehand and found funny, as my dad's side of the family is full of 'pranksters').

My uncle decided he should get 'revenge' for his sister by doing a -by far worse- thing to his brother's wife (not his own brother, for some unknown reason). My mom did NOT agree to any of that, much less to that extent.

So, basically, my poor mother and her bridesmaids spent the next 30 minutes in the bathroom trying to get all that rice off her underwear and dress, mom cried a couple times because she was already stressed and felt like her appearance/wedding day were ruined- and what's worse, my father thought it was hilarious and didn't stand up for his wife (foreshadowing how the marriage was going to end up).

My parents are now separated although not legally divorced (finantial benefits) and she still resents and dislikes my uncle since that day, and also for other reasons, but that's a whole different story.

Come on, everyone knows bubbles are way more fun than rice-throwing. Still, the jury of wedding shamers was eager to weigh in on this one. Here's what people had to say:

Messy_Tiger said:

That sucks for your mom, how awful. Big events like weddings, funerals etc...just shouldn't be prank times. I would be devastated if someone had done that to me on my wedding day...followed by anger at the groom and uncle.

beadfix82 said:

Days that pranks are not acceptable. Baby Christenings, Weddings, large parties.

Drix22 said:

The priest at my uncle's wedding was my uncle's long time best friend (since kindergarten basically). The priest wrote 'HELP' on the bottom of my uncles' shoes for everyone to see when he kneeled at the altar. My grandmother did not find it funny at all.

harpejjist said:

Rule of thumb - weddings are NEVER EVER EVER the time for pranks. They are high-pressure, high cost, one-in-a-lifetime events that people put a huge amount of effort into. And there is a HUGE amount of pressure to make it the 'perfect' day. And a lot of people have been planning it since childhood.

And of course marriage is a serious commitment, which should be respected and treated as serious. Not saying don't have fun. But it is NOT the time or place to take the bride down a peg or make a joke out of the event.

I guess it's a good thing they're separated? Better luck next time, everyone!

Sources: Reddit
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