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Woman asks if she's wrong for wearing white to cousin's wedding.

Woman asks if she's wrong for wearing white to cousin's wedding.


Unless you're the one getting married, it's a faux pas to wear white to a wedding. It's rude; it upstages the bride; and it's supposedly bad luck. Plus, you're probably going to spill something on it (that last one might just be a me problem). Are there exceptions? Sure.

Maybe your house burned down leaving you with zero belongings but the white nighty you were wearing when you're house burned down, and you didn't have time to stop at TJ Maxx on the way to the wedding because you're already late because of your house burning down. That's the only one I can think of.

And yet.... one bizarrely entitled wedding guest took to Reddit's 'Am I The A**hole' forum to ask if she's the a**hole for wearing white to her cousin's wedding. She thought this was okay because the bride is blind.

Apparently the bride's family felt differently, and called her out. And so did her boyfriend. So she went online, thinking strangers on Reddit would take her side, for some reason?

Spoiler alert: they did not.

Here's her story:

I'd like to start by saying that me and and my female cousin (blind from birth) aren't very close but we get along well as relatives. She's 26 and her wedding was last week. She sent me an invitation though we don't talk much but since I wanted a break from work I decided to go.

Her reasoning for wearing white is that it's her favorite color and it makes her feel 'comfortable and confident.' She thought 'no one would even notice.'

My favorite color is white. (I have brown skin) love wearing white because it brings out my skin glow and makes me feel comfortable and confident. I purchased a maxi white dress, nothing fancy but goes well with my skin tone and wore it at the wedding. There wasn't a big party with many guests. But sort of family dinner and small celebration. I really thought no one would even noticed I was wearing white.

Welp, people did notice. Although the bride and her husband are visually impaired, the bride's family is not.

The woman's aunt called the cousin out, explaining that being visually impaired doesn't mean the bride is 'stupid' (true!) and that wearing white 'brought negative energy and disturbed the celebration' (fair!).

My cousin and her husband didn't know because obviously no one told them. But My aunt kept giving me uncomfortable looks the entire evening. And so did my other cousin. Once I decided to leave. My aunt pulled me aside and berated me for wearing this color at her daughter's wedding.

She said just because her daughter is blind doesn't mean she's stupid and doesn't know whats going on around her. basically saying I brought negative energy and disturbed the celebration by having guests notice and by extension, my cousin as well.

Her aunt also accused her of pulling this 'stunt' because she's jealous that her cousin got married before her, which she claims she 'never even thought of.'

She gave a lengthy lecture and asked if I hate to see her daughter happy and whether I pulled this stunt because my 'blind' cousin got married before me. I was like whoa calm down none of this was true. I just wore my favorite color and didn't do it because my cousin is blind and wouldn't notice. And married before me? I never thought of that.

I argued with my aunt for trying to dictate what I wear but she defended herself saying I was a guest and should have respected the bride. I left feeling very upset and exhausted from that encounter.

Even the woman's OWN BOYFRIEND took her family's side. He apparently warned her in advance not to wear white because there would be 'some issues.' And afterwards, he told her to apologize.

My boyfriend said he believed I used the fact that my cousin is blind to wear white but this didn't fly with her family. He pulled the 'I told you so' line and said I just made my family hate with that stunt.

Even though he knows that I always wear white but he warned me that if my cousin finds out there's going to be some issues. He suggested I get ready to apologize but I really see no reason to apologize since I chose to wear a comfortable color that I feel confident in.

In case you can't tell by now, I am taking the side of the family, the boyfriend, and common sense. But that's not important. What matters is what the internet thought.

Well, unsurprisingly, commenters unanimously agreed that this woman is 'the a**hole' in this situation. Big time.

AnotaCocktail pretty much broke it down when she said:

Yep, YTA. [You're the A**hole]

Put it this way: what does your cousin being blind have to do with it?

You wore a white dress to a wedding. That is like the universal ‘fuck you’ to any bride. And it’s an extra one to a blind bride.

And punfull broke it down EVEN MORE when she wrote:

YTA, and you know it. There's no question here. You were the asshole when you only went to the wedding for a 'break from work' and you were the asshole when you chose white and you were the asshole trying to justify it and you're the asshole refusing to apologize for it.

SingingMasochist wrote:

I had an emergency!

I look really good in white.


skike added:

Why are you even asking this lol, you are fully aware that only assholes wear white to weddings. The fact that you did this at a blind person's wedding is just additional fuel to the asshole fire. Get over yourself, how you look at THEIR wedding matters only to you. Hard YTA.

Beautiful_mistakes wrote:

YTA Me. Me. Me. Me. Is all I read. F off to the bride and her feelings.

And MoyamoyaWarrior wrote:


I don't give a crap if the bride cant see, hear, talk, and walk all at once. You don't wear white to a wedding unless you are the bride OR the bride asks you too. TF.

So yes, as it turns out, disrespecting and taking advantage of a blind woman on her WEDDING DAY because YOU want to wear your favorite color is an a**hole move. Who would've thought????? Oh yeah, literally everyone.

Hopefully this woman will get the message and never pull a stunt like this again.

Sources: Reddit
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