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17 employees share the best story of quitting a bad job on the spot.

17 employees share the best story of quitting a bad job on the spot.


While we all might fantasize about storming out of a particularly bad shift in a blind rage, sometimes giving a proper two weeks notice with a 'thanks for everything' email is the usual method...

There's nothing more satisfying, though, than a dramatic tale of quitting a nightmare gig while telling everyone including the boss what you've truly thought about them for three years. So, when a Reddit user asked ex-employees everywhere, 'what is your 'I Quit' story that you’re most proud of?' people were ready to share.


An old boss of mine called me on a Saturday morning around 10am and asked if I could take over a wedding gig he couldn't do because he double-booked himself (sound engineer). He said all the gear was packed and loaded in the truck, all I had to do was drive it to the spot and set it up. The Wedding was at 3pm.

I pick up the truck at 11am. I follow the directs he gave me to the place, but the directions were wrong. He isn't answering his phone, texts, or emails. I call his business partner, who has to take his boat in and drive back to the office to open the company email and get the actual address.

I get to the place at 1:30pm; very much behind. I scramble to get everything set up, except there's a problem -- there isn't even sort-of enough gear there to do the gig. Not enough microphones, not enough speakers, not enough anything. Even the venue-owner was asking, 'Where's , who are you, and why don't you have ?'

I couldn't answer any of these questions, because my options were either taking the blame myself and risking my own reputation, or blaming my boss and getting fired / my reputation ruined anyway.

The wedding went horribly. As soon as everybody stood up I started to break everything down and load everything out; I needed to bail before I got Bridezilla'd.

Cut to the following Monday and I show up to the shop for an entirely different gig. My boss is on the phone with the wedding venue, and it is not a pleasant conversation.

The venue (and the people who paid for the wedding) were super pissed because I basically ruined their wedding by being late and bringing the wrong / not enough gear.

Rather than accept the blame himself and apologize, or do anything that someone could consider the right thing, I overhear my boss encourage the venue owner to take me personally to small-claims court.

So I emailed the venue owner the correspondence between me and my boss from that morning. The 10am email asking me to cover his double-booked 3pm wedding. The numerous texts, calls, and voicemails in effort to get the correct address. The texts between me and the other boss who had to interrupt his vacation.

I made sure to highlight the part in the emails where I asked my boss, 'So all the gear I need is already loaded into the truck and ready to go? I don't need to grab extra mics or mic stands?' Nope, I loaded everything last night! - [deleted]


I was doing a newspaper route when I was 13-15. I took an extra long route quite a bit away from my home that they couldn't get taken in years.

I had negotiated an extra hour salary for the travel and I think 40% extra hourly wage since it would be cheaper for them anyway instead of giving bonuses to substitutes week after week.

After 2 years they had suddenly forgotten why and cut that away so I quit on the spot - [deleted]


I was a cable puller for 3 days for Bell Canada, and we were doing some pulling on a building under construction. Me and the Tech were on the 56-60 floor. There were no windows or guard rails....nothing. I went into one room and felt so unsafe.

The wind was swirling, I could barely see because of the high winds. I asked the Tech if it was safe and he said 'we do this all the time'. I noped right outta there, told the union what was going on, told HR what was going on, and quit that day - effthedab


I was working on a new car lot washing cars when I was younger. The company fired the cleaning staff and asked all of us to come in on the weekends in order to help clean the bathrooms.

I just didn't show up, ever again - except to pick up my last paycheck. As I got older the more I thought about that place and how unprofessional the entire staff was. - foozerluck


As a teenager I worked at a McDonald's as a grill worker. Our family dog (8 yr old German shepherd) had been having severe problems with her hind legs/back, and went in for a surgery. The surgery was risky, and unfortunately didn't go well, resulting in her being fully paralyzed.

I came home from school for lunch to find this out, and that we would be taking her to the vet to be put down late that afternoon. I had work that evening, so I called my manager (400lb-ish man hating whale of a woman) to let her know that I would have to miss my shift that evening.

That fat bitch asked me if we could reschedule for earlier in the day so I could make it to my shift at McDonald's. She asked me to kill my dog earlier in the day to accommodate working the grill at McDonalds.

I hung up on her, instantly called the District Manager (? not sure right title, it was a franchise of 4 McDonald's and he was the boss of all the Store Managers).

Turns out his family dog was recently put down, and he massively sympathized with me and told me to take the day obviously. We met several days later for lunch and he moved me to another of the same franchise-family's locations with a $1 raise. I never worked for that fat bitch a single minute again.

Several months later she ended up being fired. I like to think her audacity to ask me to kill my dog earlier in the day contributed to that. - spiciernuggets


Manager sent me and a few guys to a different state on a project install for 4 days of 16 hour days. Get back to work, supervisor starts chewing me out for being tired, and that I need to man up.

Told him to complain to the manager. Instead, he throws a tape measure at me, then started getting pushy. I ignore him and walk into the managers office.

Told him I quit, and waled out. They called a few times, finally met up with the manager a few nights later at a bar. He heard from everyone else what happened, and fired the sup. Still didn't go back - ksweeneyj


Worked in a sh%tty call centre under a terrible manager and had enough of their sh#t so I wrote out a notice telling them I'd leave and calling them out for all of their sh%t, but they insisted on making me work my months notice as they were short on sales agents.

Turned up for work very next day and my manager had already taken all my stuff of my desk and moved me to sit on my own.

Didn't say a word to her, grabbed my stuff and left. Gave my pass to building security (who I knew quite well) and said 'might aswell bin that, I'm not coming back.' F staying in that place for a month for the sake of a reference. - RedBullRyan


I delivered pizza in college. After a shitty summer working in a room that is 80% oven, walking through temps that hit 109, into a car with no AC, I was ready to go.

Then I came back from a run to see the Manager and Asst. Manager LARPing in front of the door. As I tried to get through one of them hit me in the face with a 'sword' (hey, PVC still hurts, even when it's wrapped in a pool noodle).

I yelled 'F! THIS! I QUIT!', threw my hat on the ground, took the sign off my car and set it in the parking lot, and drove off. I went back for my last check a week later, picked it up without saying a word, and drove off again. - capnhist


Well, as the project manager I was asked to increase turnover of employees. It was a government contract, they underbid the recompete, and were in the process of hiring new folks at a lower rate to replace the competent, more expensive ones.

The final straw was when they told me they were changing the leave policy so that it was a use it or use it policy on a yearly basis, but not to tell my guys until December. Leave must be requested in writing 60 days out...

Turned in my 2 weeks and grunted it out until the end... then found a new job closer home with a 30% raise. - [deleted]


Not me, but a friend. He went into to talk to his manager that he might need time off due to his dad's cancer being terminal and had only a few months to live.

His boss, who was an old senior guy said 'you need to make a decision that actually matters, you job here or your father!'

My friend didn't even bother saying another word, he got up and left the company, he emailed HR saying he quit citing his manager's comment. - Dramon


I worked at a department store Shipping and Receiving. We would unload delivery trucks, store everything in the basement, that kind of stuff.

If a customer bought a large item, such as a TV or refrigerator, we would have to get it up to the first floor to them within 5 minutes of them requesting it be brought upstairs to be put in their vehicle. If we weren't able to do so within 5 minutes, the customer would get a coupon, and we would get disciplined.

Now I had already had a lot of bad days at work and was looking for other jobs, but the last day really sent me over the edge. I was scheduled to work with two other people until close, which was normal, but one person called out sick. Also, the freight elevator we used to bring up heavy items was broken, they needed to be carried up the stairs.

While my coworker was on break, a customer requested to have his new fridge brought up to him. Obviously one person getting a fridge up a flight of stairs is going to take more than 5 minutes.

After giving the customer their fridge and getting in their car, my manager pulled me into his office, remarked about how I needed to work harder, blah blah blah... He eventually asked me to 'give him one reason why I should still have a job here.'

I looked him right in eye and said, 'I don't have one, because I don't want to continue working for you aholes, I quit.' And I walked out. Best decision ever. - IRCheesecake82


Plant manager at a small private company. I had done some research to try to fix problems we kept having with the product out in the field, and, in doing so discovered the company founder/owner/president had faked most of her product data and we were essentially selling snake oil--lying to customers and setting ourselves up for huge legal liability.

Behind her back, the company board had asked me to prepare a report once they got word that I was trying to fix things at the plant. I prepared the report, gave it to my boss, the company president, and she ordered me to destroy it and lie to the board.

I told her I wasn't going to lie to anybody, and she asked me if I knew what that meant. I told her I did, dropped my keys on her desk, and left. I called my wife on the way out, told her I'd be home early, and called the maintenance manager to tell him he'd be running the opening production meeting tomorrow and however long the plant stayed in operation.

That turned out to be about two weeks, because after the board found out what had happened, they started withholding funding checks and bank account access to the owner/president, and things went downhill after that.

Bonus: a year later, I got subpoenaed by the SEC (the bad one, not the football one) to provide written testimony about the company president's statements, financial handling, etc. for a financial fraud investigation. - Diis


I was young, broke, and desperate for a paycheck so I took a job cold calling. The job itself sucked but the worst part was in order to get paid you had to submit your hours, your supervisor had to approve and then submit the hours.

Well the supervisor was in the process of getting promoted and she 'kept forgetting' to submit our hours.

I worked for almost 2 weeks with no pay (when it was promised weekly) before I simply walked out. Now that I am older I would never let that happen to me again - Lizpuff


When I was in highschool, I worked for a hometown mini, wannabe Walmart and I told them at one point that 'Hey I need to be working less nights, on weekends you can schedule me all you want, but I need these days off during the week' because my mother had cancer and I was the only one who could be home to take care of her at those times, at least until my father got home from work

They said they understood and when I saw the next schedule, zero changes, still had me scheduled for right after school every week day. Quit then and there. Was the first time I learned sometimes its okay to do that when the time is right. - [deleted]


I was a teenager working at a KFC. I was the guy that would always pick up an extra shift for people. If they needed someone to cover or stay late or come in early I was your guy. I liked money...I liked not being at home...I liked being distracted.

So then one Sunday comes and I'm supposed to work a 12-6 shift. I wake up that morning with the flop sweats, I'm freezing cold and then burning hot. I look and feel like death. It's exiting from every way possible. So I call up the manager and say I can't make it in. The manager says that's not acceptable and I need to be there...

We go back and forth a few times and I've plead my case. I've explained how I've never been late nor called in sick nor left early. It falls on deaf ears. So I finally said, 'Listen I don't need this job this bad. I quit. I'll be in on Friday to turn in my uniform and pick up my final paycheck...'

I then proceeded to projectile vomit some more in the bathroom and later pass out on the couch watching an episode of Reboot - [deleted]


I've told this story before so apologies for the repeat. - I was a department manager for a large institution. My department was small, I had only three employees.

The company was facing layoffs and my manager required me to submit by the end of the day the name of one of my department employees to be laid off.

After a quick phone call to my wife, I walked in to my boss with a name on a folded piece of paper. When he opened it I had submitted my own name to be laid off. The look on his face was priceless. - NWBoomer


I did landscaping and the owner of the company was a complete asshole. I worked with 2 other guys about my age (20 at the time). We were at a job site where they wanted trees planted, but the area they wanted us to start digging was covered in asphalt and all we had were a couple spade shovels.

Went to go ask the owner who happened to be at this location if he had a pickaxe. He told us to 'get the fk out of my face, go back over there and act like you're fking doing something.'

All 3 of us got in the work truck, drove over to the office down the road, and told the office ladies we were quitting. - Brolurk9

Sources: Reddit
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