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Employee refuses to sign 'get well soon' card for coworker who tried to get them fired.

Employee refuses to sign 'get well soon' card for coworker who tried to get them fired.


There are some fates we don't even wish on our worst enemies. But that doesn't mean we want to actively wish them well.

In a popular post on the AITA subreddit, the OP asked if they were wrong for refusing to sign a "Get Well Soon" card for a coworker that tried to get them fired. They wrote:

"AITA for refusing to sign a Get Well Soon card for a coworker that tried to get me fired?"

Last year I had a coworker actively participate in an investigation to get me fired at work. All allegations were false and fabricated and I am still employed, thank God. However, this ordeal cost me tens of thousands of dollars (I’m in sales) and months of incredible stress at work and at home.

A few months after everything settled down, said coworker was diagnosed with cancer. He’s a POS, in my opinion, but I wouldn’t wish cancer on my worst enemy. Fast forward to last week. A different coworker sends out a group message to all of our other coworkers stating he’s bought a card for everyone to sign and asked everyone to donate $20 to help out.

Today, after being asked why I had not yet signed/donated, I told him I will not be signing the card nor donating. He was incredibly upset. AITA?

People kept it real in the comments.

Crazybutnotlazy1983 wrote:

NTA, tell the person collecting that you are hard up for money after what this person did to you and because of him you cannot afford to donate and as you have not donated you do not feel it proper to sign the card. If he keeps harassing, you go to HR.

kwyl wrote:

NTA but I really want to know why you still work for a company that wouldn't fire an employee that did that to a co-worker and the company.

thetrippingbillie wrote:

Having cancer doesn't magically make someone a better person.


Vegetable-Parking-86 wrote:

If you'd signed the card with, say, a picture of a middle finger...or if you'd taken a $20 out when asked to put one, then maybe. But even if you had no reason not to, if you could not do so with good conscience and all sincerity, there was no obligation for you to sign the card nor to donate. And it sure sounds like you had abundant reason not to want to participate. Definitely NTA.

Bulky_Bookkeeper8556 wrote:

NTA. Why should you donate money to someone who cost you thousands and tried to ruin you? Kindly remind the upset coworker about this.

Clearly OP is NTA here, cancer or not - their coworker still is.

Sources: Reddit
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