Just because you convinced someone to marry you doesn't mean the world suddenly revolves around you and everyone else needs to put their lives on hold. But a lot of brides and grooms seem to feel differently when it comes to their special day, and the series of events leading up to it.
The bridesmaid's friend posted screenshots of the conversation on Reddit, writing:
Is the bridesmaid the a**hole or the bride? I’m posting for a friend who ran into money problems and cannot go on the bachelorette trip to Miami. She was still paying her portion but cannot afford to go. Also, Bridesmaid is a single mother with 2 kids.
The text exchange begins with the bridesmaid apologetically explaining how she's having financial troubles and can no longer afford to attend her friend's bachelorette weekend. The bride did not take it well.
The bridesmaid then called the bride's selfish behavior 'f*cked up' and 'pathetic.'
The bride then responded by telling her she's kicked out of the bridal party and no longer invited from the wedding.
quietlycommenting writes:
I’m getting married in July - no matter what we had planned, if any of my friends said their electricity had been cut due to money problems I’d actively tell them not to go. Don’t prioritise a damn trip over heating and food for your kids. Being an empathetic person doesn’t just go away the second you’re wearing a veil
life-of-Bez writes:
Tbh if I was the bride and I wanted my friend there I would pay for her if I could and not expect anything back as it would be important to me that my best friends were with me. If I couldn’t afford to do that I would feel guilty but would absolutely tell this bridesmaid not to worry about the money and if I couldn’t allow that due to finances I would apologise for not being able to help more. I don’t think she should expect other people to pay for her cos they earn more but I think the bride is shocking
CrunchyTeatime writes:
The Bride: 'You still owe $195 for room, $89 to [redacted], and $20.25 to my mom.'
Madam. If you cannot spot your bridesmaid $20, you do not have any business expecting people to fly to your party or wedding.
You also cannot expect people to pay for something they cannot afford, or cannot attend.
The Bride: 'I spent a lot of money on y'all, buying gifts...'
A gift is a gift. If it has strings attached, it is not a gift.
Complaining about giving a gift is tacky.
And beeanchor1312 writes:
Unless there's a backstory we don't know about, bride is categorically TA here. Her response is churlish and self-centered. The BM is apologetic and honest.
That pretty much sums it up. Unless there's a huge backstory that we're missing, there is absolutely zero doubt who is the a**hole here. And it's not the single mother struggling to feed her two kids while her bratty bride friend makes ridiculous, self-centered demands.
Case closed!